Just a quick little post congratulating the newly elected President of the Yoo-nited States. OK, it’s really too early to say, so here’s a little something that works regardless of who wins 😉
What’s great is that it works regardless of who wins! HA!
No, that’s not right, calling Trump a big girl is an insult to girls. Sorry, girls!
More seriously, folks, get out and vote, because it’s a right and a privilege and they give you a little sticker and hey, there’s more than just the President to vote for!
(Disclaimer: any point of view stated above is the view only of Travis and not necessarily the view of anyone else at the Atomic Junk Shop. And it’s not even necessarily his point of view. Except the part about voting, go do that! He did!)
I did my part to keep democracy alive in this country. Wish the government did theirs, like do their damn job!
Happy place, happy place……………
REVEALED: Batman Caught With Half-Naked Robin In White Dress.
(You may want to run images through an image editor. They’re sucking 15x more bandwith as PNGs than they would as compressed JPEGs.)