Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

Another Impossible Kickstarter

Since Travis posted a bunch of Humble Bundle recommendations yesterday, I thought I’d keep the trend going with yet another recommendation and link. To wit: Karl Kesel and David Hahn just keep plugging away with new installments of their character Impossible Jones, as now a fresh Kickstarter campaign has just been launched for what will be the fourth book featuring the titular character.

It’s also the third of what will apparently be a series of four Impossible Jones team-up books. I did a post about that first one here last year (in which ‘Imp’ teams up with frenemy Holly Daze), and in the meantime there was a third campaign for the second team-up with superhero Captain Lightning – I neglected to post anything about that one, but  the campaign page is still up at this link.

And the ink still hadn’t dried on that last book (I think Kesel is still in the process of mailing out the physical copies/rewards) when this campaign was launched. This time, ‘Imp’ is again teaming up with another of the heroes briefly introduced in the preceding books, i.e., the Polecat. But some more characters are also being introduced into this growing universe…

It met its funding goals in about 12 hours, but I still think it’s worth giving this one a signal-boost because a) these are really fun books and b) there’s lots of good stretch goals (mainly swag; for me, though, this mainly means bonus story content, like more Even Steven back-up features).

Also, if you missed the preceding, Captain Lightning team-up, I think you can get that book as an add-on when you pledge for this one.

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