Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

R.I.P. Len Wein

I am truly sorry to hear of the passing of Len Wein. He was a near-constant presence in my comics reading as either writer or editor since I was about nine years old.

Honestly? I’m in shock. I was sure he was BEATING it, damn it. I can’t think of a thing to say that I didn’t say in this column here when we first heard about his health issues. So I’m just going to let that one stand, and I’m very glad I wrote it while he was still with us. I hope he got to see it.

Our sincere condolences to his wife Christine and all his other friends and family.


  1. Terrible-D

    Between his brief Fantastic Four run, Swamp Thing, Batman (the comics and cartoon), and Giant Sized X-men his work has meant a lot to me personally. A shame that we lost him and Wrightson within months of each other.

  2. Jeff Nettleton


    Len Wein has been influencing comics since I started reading them. Loved his stuff, DC, Marvel, Gold Key, you name it. Damn good editor, too, though he bailed on the EIC job, at Marvel, relatively quickly (don’t blame him, though).

    I really hate being at the age where my heroes and influences are passing away, let alone friends and relatives. Treasure what you have while you have it.

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