In the name of the family: a comment on Ms Marvel and page-to-screen
In name only adaptations frustrate me, especially when I love the source.
In name only adaptations frustrate me, especially when I love the source.
The Eternals has a reputation as the MCU’s worst movie; but is it deserved?
Several titles have given me reasons to stop reading them; maybe they’ll make good case-studies.
There are some things you’re just not allowed to think if you’re a comic book geek. Here are some of the ones I think.
Together, we at the Junk Shop have a great deal of knowledge about a great many things in the SF/fantasy genre … but there are some odd gaps in our nerd cred. Here we confess to completely missing out on classic shows or movies or whatever that are givens for most people in fan culture. Whether it’s lack of time or lack of access or just plan lack of interest, these are the normally-beloved things we don’t get.
We’re back (after far too long away), with discussion of DC shuttering Vertigo, Ink and Zoom; Brian Michael Bendis on Legion of Super-Heroes; the books spinning out of Heroes in Crisis; Black Panther and the Agents of Wakanda; JJ and Henry Abrams and Sara Pichelli’s Spider-Man; the returns of Pretty Deadly and Battle Chasers and so much more – join us after the cut, why don’t you?