Tag: Conan
Beowulf met Dracula? That would have made English class much cooler!
Edit Post When Marvel launched Conan the Barbarian in 1970, it was a game-changer. Roy Thomas had seen fan letters asking for a Conan book and he knew there was …
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – January 2020
Hope springs eternal, so I hope I can do this every month. Let’s see what’s what!
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – January 2019
Hey, it’s lots of reviews. Let’s not dawdle!
Sunday Morning January 14 2018
Another Sunday morning rolls around and here I am, still not entirely free of my cough, but soldiering on. Eventually I’ll catch up with all the posts I’ve missed, but …
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – April (and some of March) 2017
It’s time for some reviews of trade paperbacks and series that came to an end in April! You can’t get more entertainment than that!