Comics You Should Own – ‘JLA’ #1-41 and various ancillary comics
It’s like superhero crack, I tells ya!
It’s like superhero crack, I tells ya!
Dear Marvel Studios,
Let’s face it, the MCU is killing it lately. You’re making hit after hit, and you don’t show signs of stopping anytime soon. THOR: RAGNAROK seems like a lot of fun, BLACK PANTHER looks amazing, and you’ve still got AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR on the horizon. You’re obviously doing almost everything right.
I doubt you’re looking for advice from another random yahoo on the internet, but I have some thoughts about how you could make things even better and sustain things going forward. So don’t consider these demands, exactly. They’re more like friendly suggestions, okay? Here goes:
When I think of good comics, I think of Len Wein. The mark he left on comics is immense. Anytime in the last 30 years when I heard that Len Wein was writing a comic, I automatically picked it up. It was just a no-brainer.
Rich Buckler passed away on Friday due to complications from cancer at the age of 68. Buckler had a long career in comics – If you name it, he probably drew it at some point. John shares some of his personal memories of Buckler’s work.
Yesterday was the what, Today is the who. Read on for the actors John picks to play the Justice League!
So how DO you go about bringing the World’s Greatest Superheroes to film? John has a few ideas.
We’re living in a golden age of comic book reprints, but there are still a few classics that have been unfairly neglected. John has a few suggestions.