Three cent price increase? Sometimes it’s not just an illusion of change.
Mid-1969 was during the few years I wasn’t buying comics so I had no idea DC made this announcement. I had no idea of any of this in 1969. By …
Mid-1969 was during the few years I wasn’t buying comics so I had no idea DC made this announcement. I had no idea of any of this in 1969. By …
A decade ago, I wouldn’t have imagined a time when I’d pass up seeing a big budget, big screen Justice League movie in the theater. I love the JLA, even …
Dear Marvel Studios,
Let’s face it, the MCU is killing it lately. You’re making hit after hit, and you don’t show signs of stopping anytime soon. THOR: RAGNAROK seems like a lot of fun, BLACK PANTHER looks amazing, and you’ve still got AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR on the horizon. You’re obviously doing almost everything right.
I doubt you’re looking for advice from another random yahoo on the internet, but I have some thoughts about how you could make things even better and sustain things going forward. So don’t consider these demands, exactly. They’re more like friendly suggestions, okay? Here goes:
When I think of good comics, I think of Len Wein. The mark he left on comics is immense. Anytime in the last 30 years when I heard that Len Wein was writing a comic, I automatically picked it up. It was just a no-brainer.
Yesterday was the what, Today is the who. Read on for the actors John picks to play the Justice League!