Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

Sherlock Holmes and the Watson Problem

This week, I’m going to talk about the Watson Problem. But to get there, I have to talk about Sherlock Holmes first. (That’s the trouble with these two. You can’t talk about one without also talking about the other.)

I’m getting a bit tired of Asshole Sherlock Holmes. We’ve had variations on him for 30-40 years now, and it’s getting a bit stale.

SHERLOCK 4.3: “The Final Problem”

A friend of mine shared a fan theory about the Series 4 finale of Sherlock. Basically, the theory was that Sherlock had spent all or most of S4 inside of his Mind Palace. I hated this idea, mainly because “It was all a dream” is one of the lamest ways to end a story imaginable. And besides, Sherlock has gone to that well once before. Two dream endings in one series would really be pushing it.

Now, I’m kind of wishing that they went with it.

…So Can We Talk About the SHERLOCK Series 4 Premiere?

I just finished watching the Sherlock Series 4 premiere as I write this, and like most fans of the show, I have a lot of thoughts about it. I’m going to keep it spoiler-free to start out, though, and just talk about my feelings on the show in general. I’ll give you fair warning when I’m about to get into S4 spoiler territory.