This Amazon ain’t no princess
By far the best character featured in the 1970s Superheroes anthology – find out why
By far the best character featured in the 1970s Superheroes anthology – find out why
(Cross-posted from my own blog) A few years back it struck me that it was silly to have the entire Doc Savage series taking up space on my shelves (in …
Based on Greg Hatcher’s recommendation I read Shadow/Green Hornet: Dark Nights by Michael Uslan and Keith Burns last year and I enjoyed it. The Shadow’s old foe Shiwan Khan, having …
Just a few weeks before Greg Hatcher’s passing, the latest volume of Mystery Men (& Women) was released – and Greg’s contribution made the cover.
Doc Savage didn’t just fight evil. Living in the Depression, he fought suffering.
Yes, this really is a genre…. though today we’d probably call it special-needs detectives.