Tag: Steve Dillon
Comics You Should Own – ‘Hellblazer’ #41-50; 52-83
Garth Ennis was awfully young when he took over the adventures of John Constantine, but he gave us a memorable run!
Comics You Should Own – ‘Wildcats 2.0’ and ‘Wildcats 3.0’
Joe Casey writing Wildstorm books is usually gold, and this is no exception!
Comics You Should Own – ‘Animal Man’ #1-32
Hey, it’s a Grant Morrison comic! I can’t believe I would ever feature one of those in these columns!
R.I.P. Steve Dillon, 1962-2016
Steve Dillon has died at the age of 54, according to his brother, Glyn: Sad to confirm the death of Steve, my big brother and my hero. He passed away …