Jungle Tales
I’ve always enjoyed “The Hunter” by James Shooter and George Papp in Adventure Comics #358. Encountering it once again as part of my Silver Age reread, I found it disappointing. …
I’ve always enjoyed “The Hunter” by James Shooter and George Papp in Adventure Comics #358. Encountering it once again as part of my Silver Age reread, I found it disappointing. …
Rivers of Blood in a “single, big, fat amazing book”
Like most of you, I have a platonic ideal of certain characters that I carry around in my head. And a lot of times, it has to do with who I saw play a particular part when I was at an impressionable age. I’ve had a few of them bouncing around in my head this week, so I thought I’d share.
You know, stories about guys like Tarzan, the Phantom… and the time Tarzan MET the Phantom.