The Greg Hatcher Legacy Files #147: ‘Saturday in the Hyborian Age … well, almost’
Poor Greg. He so wants to love these pulpy movies, and they kept letting him down!
Poor Greg. He so wants to love these pulpy movies, and they kept letting him down!
Wonder Woman #178 is typical of something I blogged about in February, that changes that looked seismic in the late 1960s are now just footnotes in comics history. Wonder Woman’s …
Greg was a big proponent of “comfort food” entertainment!
As I blogged about several years ago, the Spectre’s 1966 Silver Age debut had an absolutely mesmerizing cover, all the more mesmerizing because I missed it on the spinner rack. …
My Silver Age reread focuses primarily on the Big Two. That’s 90 percent of what I have on hand and what’s available to me, with exceptions such as Magnus, Robot …
Fraser doesn’t even deserve to read about who won the magnificent Master DVD box set!!!!