Page-by-page with ‘Marvel Legacy’ #1
Marvel has released their latest big event comic, so of course I have to take an extremely close look at it. Won’t that be fun!
Marvel has released their latest big event comic, so of course I have to take an extremely close look at it. Won’t that be fun!
Red balloon. Rain slickers. Clown. It, that iconic clown demon, has returned and is now terrifying and delighting audiences on the silver screen. Since it seems like balloons and raincoats …
Over the past couple of weeks, a disappointingly large number of younger creators have been reaching out to me about harassment from angry fringe “fans.” With that in mind, the best and most worthwhile moments of the convention came from walking the floor, talking and listening, helping raise awareness of how bad harassment has become—awareness both among fans and among my generation of pros.
I keep reading how people are going to ‘fix comics’.
And it normally comes down to one of two things…
Two shows, two premieres: THE ORVILLE and STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. So which one is the better STAR TREK?
John decided to be impulsive this last Saturday and attend the Baltimore Comic Con. Here’s what he did.
SyFy is celebrating 25 years in existence, so they’ve been doing pop culture lists. Everyone likes a good list, so let’s check some out!