I began blogging on 7 October 2004, and I wanted to have a column collecting all – yes, all (or at least 95%!) of my posts from those 20 years up on that date. I began collecting them in July, but even that head-start wasn’t long enough for me to get them all together, so here we are, some months later (part of it was the amount of stuff I had to curate, and part of it was the blog’s general weirdness over the past few months). I wrote my personal blog for five years, until I decided I just didn’t have the time to devote to it anymore. I have been writing the blog about my daughters continually, but over the past few years, I tend to only write my annual “accounting” of her year and not write about her day-to-day life, mainly because her routine doesn’t change that much, and any fun pictures we get of her go on Facebook. I began writing for the O.G. Comics Should Be Good in March of 2005, but my comics-related stuff will be in several other posts, because this one – which has links to the posts from my personal blog and the one about my daughters – is a monster, and the comics-related ones are even longer. I wrote pretty regularly for CSBG for 11 years, after all, and I had a lot to say! I’m going to split those into several different posts, because, well, it’s just a lot.
Anyway, I don’t expect anyone to really read this, but I thought it would be fun. You can scan through it and see if anything piques your interest, of course – I won’t discourage that. I used to do frequent link posts, which I note in the commentary, and while most of them don’t work anymore, while I was compiling this, I did note that some of them are still active. You’ll have to discover that for yourself! Obviously, the links to CSBG might be of more interest to you guys, plus I got a lot more comments on those, but you’ll have to wait for that one! I really like writing for this blog, as I have for the others, and I know this is horribly self-indulgent, but I hope you’ll forgive me. I like anniversaries (as you might have guessed, as I make sure to mark 1 October – our “birthday” here – every year), and I just thought it would be fun to revisit my old writings over the past 20 years. Some of them show a lack of understanding of some things, some are meaner than I would like, some piss off weird people (especially when I wrote for Comics Should Be Good), but I hope they’re still enjoyable and interesting. Feel free to ignore this completely, of course, but if you do delve in, I hope something tickles your fancy!
My second post, with an introduction to me. (7 October 2004)
The presidential debate. Remember when debates were a bit more sedate and at least a little edifying? (8 October 2004)
Questions about stay-at-home mothers. (10 October 2004)
I doubt if God cares about sports. (28 October 2004)
The election of 2004 made me angry. (3 November 2004)
Pulp Fiction vs. Forrest Gump. (But it’s really about politics.) (9 November 2004)
I’m mad at U2. (22 November 2004)
I read waaaay too much into Desperate Housewives. (1 December 2004)
What we’re teaching our children. (13 December 2004)
American Gods. (15 December 2004)
Americans love restricting freedom! (19 December 2004)
My curious brain. (21 December 2004)
I don’t support the troops. (26 December 2004)
Where the Iraqi things are. With apologies to Maurice Sendak. (28 December 2004)
Are we not men? (29 December 2004)
Thoughts on the new year. (1 January 2005)
Ongoing stupidity in the Arizona legislature. (18 January 2005)
Girls and boys. (19 January 2005)
Name-calling is … good? (25 January 2005)
Some news stories that bum me out. (27 January 2005)
Elections are meaningless. (31 January 2005)
I’m an underachieving bastard. (8 February 2005)
Books we bought at the Big Book Sale! (12 February 2005)
Some links, some other stuff. (21 February 2005)
A dialogue with one of my ultra-Christian friends. (22 February 2005)
Questions about songs. Plus, a reference to the Gay Denny’s! (2 March 2005)
Some links! (6 March 2005)
Force-feeding a cat. So much fun! (11 March 2005)
Doin’ some work findin’ the links. (13 March 2005)
Phoenix is a ghost town, and some other things. (15 March 2005)
TV shows that should be on DVD. Some actually made it! (18 March 2005)
Weird censorship things on basic cable. (22 March 2005)
Not a lot of links, but I dox my own sister, so there’s that. (27 March 2005)
A meme about books. (28 March 2005)
Links … from the internet! (3 April 2005)
Illegal immigration in Arizona. (4 April 2005)
Wait … the Supreme Court might be evil? (8 April 2005)
Links and a rant. (10 April 2005)
Rich kids in the vast northern wasteland. (12 April 2005)
The final poem I ever wrote. Exciting! (12 April 2005)
Yes, there are links! (17 April 2005)
I’m tired. (23 April 2005)
Not a lot of links, but some! (24 April 2005)
Thoughts on television. (25 April 2005)
Goofy things my wife and I say to each other. (28 April 2005)
Reflections on Vietnam. (30 April 2005)
Lots of groovy links! (1 May 2005)
An anecdote about my lovely wife. (2 May 2005)
I love America! (3 May 2005)
Jeebus, we’re a repressed country. (6 May 2005)
Of course there are links! (8 May 2005)
Thoughts about my father. (11 May 2005)
A meme thing. (13 May 2005)
A CD review. (13 May 2005)
Can you stand all the links! (15 May 2005)
CD reviews! (18 May 2005)
It’s linkin’ time! (22 May 2005)
A few CD reviews. (26 May 2005)
Education in America. (27 May 2005)
Links for Memorial Day. (29 May 2005)
A corollary to my education rant. (31 May 2005)
My wife left me a note. (1 June 2005)
An update on my weight loss, plus a CD review. (1 June 2005)
Marilyn Chambers and Ivory Soap. (2 June 2005)
Potentially sensitive links? (5 June 2005)
The future of America. (7 June 2005)
The physics of swimming pools. (9 June 2005)
Brian Billick needs to shut up. (10 June 2005)
CD reviews and other thoughts. (10 June 2005)
Of course there are links! (12 June 2005)
Random pictures and some other stuff. (13 June 2005)
Money rules us all! (15 June 2005)
Remember the “Downing Street memo”? (17 June 2005)
A superhero meme. (18 June 2005)
Hey, it’s links! (19 June 2005)
Another Burgas is born. (22 June 2005)
Things to think about in the dead of night. (24 June 2005)
A few (?) links. (26 June 2005)
One of them there meme things. (27 June 2005)
A few links (possibly NSFW?) (28 June 2005)
Overheard in America. (30 June 2005)
My weight loss resolution keeps kicking my ass. (2 July 2005)
A brief review of The Princess and the Warrior. (2 July 2005)
Troy is not a good movie. (2 July 2005)
Lots and lots o’ links. (3 July 2005)
Fourth of July thoughts. (4 July 2005)
I blame America! (7 July 2005)
Christians should be liberal. (8 July 2005)
Yes, there are links. (10 July 2005)
Why I need to leave Arizona. I’m still here, 19 years later. (12 July 2005)
A relatively short link post. (13 July 2005)
Can you roll with Greg? (15 July 2005)
No, really, can you? (17 July 2005)
Spin‘s top albums of the previous 20 years. (19 July 2005)
Cynicism versus hope. (21 July 2005)
Everyone loves links! (24 July 2005)
I was gatekeeping before it was cool! (26 July 2005)
The phenomenon of “gold-collar” workers. (28 July 2005)
The saga of the Wilson 4. (29 July 2005)
My 11th anniversary. (30 July 2005)
Yep, links. (31 July 2005)
I was trying to lose weight, and not doing the best job. (1 August 2005)
George Bush is an idiot. (2 August 2005)
George Bush is an idiot, Part Two. I miss the days when Bush was the worst president ever. (2 August 2005)
Confessions! (3 August 2005)
Anti-Americanism. (5 August 2005)
My last linking post? (Not even close!) (7 August 2005)
I spent 50 dollars to fill up my gas tank. Oh, those innocent days! (10 August 2005)
One of them there meme things. (11 August 2005)
Good movies made by not-great directors. (12 August 2005)
It’s time for the links! (14 August 2005)
People shouldn’t wear tank tops in public. (16 August 2005)
Some celebrities who need to shut up. (17 August 2005)
Anger at politics. (19 August 2005)
Remember when Pat Robertson called for Hugo Chavez to be assassinated? (23 August 2005)
What does “next weekend” mean to you? (24 August 2005)
Weird things I do in the bathroom. (26 August 2005)
Does no one know elevator etiquette? (26 August 2005)
Man, so many links! (28 August 2005)
How I met my wife. With comments about what a jerk I am, as an added bonus! (30 August 2005)
Human arrogance. (1 September 2005)
Losing weight is hard! (1 September 2005)
Some links, but not as many as usual. (4 September 2005)
RoboCop sighting! (6 September 2005)
Recasting The Maltese Falcon. (7 September 2005)
Dance of the Idiot Boy. (7 September 2005)
Lots and lots of fun links. (11 September 2005)
Phoenix makes me sad. (15 September 2005)
Unintended consequences. (16 September 2005)
A funny joke that may offend Republicans. (19 September 2005)
People named Katrina were changing their names. (20 September 2005)
How do they take showers? (21 September 2005)
Harry Potter needs new friends. (21 September 2005)
So many fun links! (24 September 2005)
Some quick thoughts about the world. (27 September 2005)
The Augean Stables. (27 September 2005)
It’s Ask a Stupid Question Day! (28 September 2005)
Why I’m exotic and you’re not. (30 September 2005)
Weird and wacky links. (1 October 2005)
Another update on my weight loss! (1 October 2005)
That feeling. (3 October 2005)
Floss for Commies. (5 October 2005)
My wife and I are the perfect couple. (5 October 2005)
Various links. (8 October 2005)
Talkers. (11 October 2005)
A blog challenge! (12 October 2005)
My visit to Pennsylvania. (17 October 2005)
Minor ranting. (18 October 2005)
Human nature sucks. (21 October 2005)
Adult content? (21 October 2005)
“Every Van Gogh … must go!” (25 October 2005)
Letter to the editor. (25 October 2005)
Some links. (29 October 2005)
My wife does a strange thing. (1 November 2005)
I bought Chocolate Lucky Charms. (2 November 2005)
NaNoWriMo participants. A few are, shockingly, still there! (2 November 2005)
I like Roxette. (3 November 2005)
Something interesting on Magnum, P.I. (3 November 2005)
Racism and sexism in society. (4 November 2005)
What I actually once did on Guy Fawkes Day. (5 November 2005)
Commercials on day-time television. (9 November 2005)
Asian (and non-Asian) bra-related news. (10 November 2005)
I tried, I really did! (12 November 2005)
Unusual people writing unusual blogs. Which, sadly, doesn’t exist anymore. (18 November 2005)
The lack of male teachers. (22 November 2005)
The dilemma of family. (24 November 2005)
Name that band! (30 November 2005)
Christianity is hard, man. (1 December 2005)
Lots of links. (3 December 2005)
The FCC is falling down on the job! (5 December 2005)
So many links! (10 December 2005)
The real reason Richard Nixon is rotting in Hell. (6 December 2005)
Let’s recast It’s a Wonderful Life. (13 December 2005)
Our Christmas decorations get stolen. (15 December 2005)
Yeah, I’m a bit weird. (15 December 2005)
Depraved clock-watchers. (16 December 2005)
Our Christmas photo. (25 December 2005)
I got a letter from my Congressman. (27 December 2005)
Osama bin Laden’s niece in a bathtub. (28 December 2005)
Somewhat obscure actresses of the 1980s. (30 December 2005)
A meme for everyone! (4 January 2006)
Brief album reviews. (5 January 2006)
The links. (7 January 2006)
News from Arizona. (12 January 2006)
Again with the links. (14 January 2006)
My top five Bond movies. Hasn’t changed! (17 January 2006)
God really cares about politics. (17 January 2006)
Meme-ing. (19 January 2006)
Yes, the links. (21 January 2006)
Women’s tennis is awesome. (22 January 2006)
Ruling by fiat! (24 January 2006)
Very odd link. (25 January 2006)
Boys suck at school. (26 January 2006)
The links, the links. (29 January 2006)
The decline of western civilization. (1 February 2006)
A critical reading of One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish. (2 February 2006)
The terrorists have already won. (4 February 2006)
Why I have a successful marriage. (10 February 2006)
Kanye West thought he should be in the Bible. (11 February 2006)
Blogs I read in 2006. Dang, I used to have more time. I wonder how many of those are still active. (12 February 2006)
Arizona’s “birthday.” (14 February 2006)
Landscaping photos. (14 February 2006)
My wife buys me socks. (17 February 2006)
Offensive links? (19 February 2006)
The most difficult question ever. (21 February 2006)
More lousy news from Arizona. (23 February 2006)
George Bush did something stupid. I know, try to control your shock. (23 February 2006)
The Blue Screen of Death!!! (28 February 2006)
Who’s Hayden Panettiere? I mean, I know now. (1 March 2006)
It’s all connected. (1 March 2006)
The Arizona legislature does something stupid … again! (3 March 2006)
An autistic boy is denied Communion. (4 March 2006)
Links to blogs that may or may not be there. (5 March 2006)
I’m in the wrong profession. (7 March 2006)
The Oscars suck. (7 March 2006)
Chuck Norris’s birthday. (10 March 2006)
Links ‘n’ such. (12 March 2006)
Flirting. (17 March 2006)
Some odd links. (19 March 2006)
Snakes on a Plane update. Timely! (27 March 2006)
Underappreciated movies. (Maybe some aren’t anymore?) (30 March 2006)
Yes, links. (2 April 2006)
Let’s destroy the United States! (6 April 2006)
My wife says odd things. (10 April 2006)
One reason the “War on Christians” is ridiculous. (14 April 2006)
Is religion necessary? (16 April 2006)
A difficult thing to do. (17 April 2006)
The Peter Pan-ification of America. (20 April 2006)
My wife still says odd things. (21 April 2006)
Mary J. Blige said God wanted her to show off her wealth. (21 April 2006)
So many links. (23 April 2006)
MTV’s My Super Sweet 16. (27 April 2006)
Random television shows I miss occasionally. Still do! (28 April 2006)
My wife says odd (but true) things. (1 May 2006)
Interior decorating is cool! (11 May 2006)
Shameless links! (14 May 2006)
Wealth and power rule all! (18 May 2006)
Thoughts on my birthday. (19 May 2006)
Where’s Coolio? Sadly, I know where he is now. (24 May 2006)
The movie Stealth is not good. (25 May 2006)
Mamie van Doren … nude!!!! (26 May 2006)
Hector is a dick. (27 May 2006)
It’s Dirk No-VIT-ski! (28 May 2006)
Reading The Gulag Archipelago. (30 May 2006)
Strange things are afoot in Mesa, Arizona. (31 May 2006)
Orgasmic link! (1 June 2006)
I am mocked (by strangers, mind you, as well as my wife) for my steak preference. (3 June 2006)
My wife had surgery. (4 June 2006)
Armageddon in the Basin of the Sun. (8 June 2006)
A brief thought about the World Cup. (9 June 2006)
Father’s Day. (18 June 2006)
Advice to unmarried men. (21 June 2006)
Something that (still) blows my mind. (22 June 2006)
What I learned about men from an issue of Cosmopolitan. (29 June 2006)
The American Values Agenda. (2 July 2006)
Links with no comments – so sad! (9 July 2006)
Apparently, Republicans who infringe on civil rights aren’t “real” Republicans! (11 July 2006)
It was hot in Phoenix. Alert the media! (12 July 2006)
Horrible, horrible parents. (14 July 2006)
Always weird links. (16 July 2006)
Pop Quiz! (22 July 2006)
Pop Quiz answer! (23 July 2006)
Technical difficulties. (27 July 2006)
Video links, if they work. (6 August 2006)
I’m kind of a jerk sometimes. I know, shocking. (18 August 2006)
The lack of male teachers, redux. (22 August 2006)
More links! (24 August 2006)
Our cat died. (30 August 2006)
Hot chicks have it tough. (1 September 2006)
The death of Steve Irwin. (4 September 2006)
American imperialism. (5 September 2006)
Something to ponder, Part 1. (12 September 2006)
Something to ponder, Part 2. (12 September 2006)
Something to ponder, Part 3. (12 September 2006)
Slob rule. (18 September 2007)
Education news. (20 September 2006)
More dumb politics in Arizona. (26 September 2006)
Pop Quiz! and Pop Quiz answer! (30 September 2006 and 1 October 2006)
Our Halloween decoration was stolen and Halloween pictures. (10 October 2006 and 1 November 2006)
Funny and topical joke about Republicans. (So topical, in fact, that I forget to whom it’s referring!) (10 October 2006)
Weird stuff on Goldfish Crackers packaging. (17 October 2006)
Is Arizona dumb? (18 October 2006)
Jehovah’s Witness handouts. (20 October 2006)
Some links that might work. (22 October 2006)
Weird link that still works! (31 October 2006)
How they made Lost better. (1 November 2006)
Celebrating Guy Fawkes Day in the perfect fashion! (5 November 2006)
Fun Republican betting game! (11 January 2007)
Land grab! (21 January 2007)
Noodlin’ with chicks! (31 January 2007)
The worst lyrics ever! (17 February 2007)
I would be an ancillary character in a horror movie. (27 February 2007)
There’s a funny video at this link that still works, amazingly! (19 March 2007)
Odd news of the world. (23 March 2007)
Perspective. (17 April 2007)
Abortion bans and voter suppression. Wait a minute … (21 April 2007)
The text messaging world champion! (24 April 2007)
Remember when we won the war in Iraq? (2 May 2007)
Our cat died. (12 May 2007)
My cool-ass birthday cake. (19 May 2007)
A plague of locusts! (22 May 2007)
The 30th anniversary of Star Wars. (25 May 2007)
Did I actually win an argument with my wife? Sadly, no. (26 May 2007)
A few quick links on a Blue Moon Day. (31 May 2007)
Is this the weirdest tattoo ever? (8 June 2007)
Some thoughts on television season finales. (15 June 2007)
Great albums by short-lived bands. (26 June 2007)
Education on Independence Day! (4 July 2007)
The Pope is awesome. Um, not really. (12 July 2007)
Whose toes are these? (16 July 2007)
Answering some questions. (17 July 2007)
Stupid Arizona weather. (21 July 2007)
My weird wife. (26 August 2007)
Partisanship. (15 September 2007)
Some links (I don’t know if any still work, but there are some fun ones!)(again!). (23 September 2007)
R.I.P. Lois Maxwell. (4 October 2007)
Alice Cooper is a good DJ. (5 October 2007)
The glory of Katrin Cartlidge. (14 October 2007)
Some links. (18 October 2007)
Did my wife break her foot? and its epic follow-up, My wife broke her foot. (2 and 3 November 2007)
Let’s recast Arsenic and Old Lace! (6 November 2007)
Something scary in the Sunday comics! (15 November 2007)
Mr. Whipple died. (19 November 2007)
Classic rock? (6 December 2007)
Scappoose, Oregon: the Fame Generator! (18 December 2007)
Suzanne Pleshette died. (20 January 2008)
My kind of gentleman’s club! (1 February 2008)
What happens in Phoenix when it rains. (5 February 2008)
Is the SI Swimsuit Issue porn? (16 February 2008)
Presidents’ Day Quiz! (18 February 2008)
Celebrities puzzle me. (23 February 2008)
A thought about No Country for Old Men. (25 February 2008)
Kosovo became independent, and I had thoughts. (26 February 2008)
Dawn Wells arrested for marijuana possession! (11 March 2008)
Large boobs provide an alibi! (13 March 2008)
Lawsuits are fun! (13 March 2008)
Arthur C. Clarke died (with a bonus obituary!). (18 March 2008)
Celebrities getting away with stuff! (24 March 2008)
Second Amendment: Good!; First Amendment: BAD!!! (7 April 2008)
Crazy conservatives being crazy. (9 April 2008)
Teenagers need to be locked up! (10 April 2008)
Padlocking clothing in Indonesia. (12 April 2008)
Alicia Keys needs to shut up. (13 April 2008)
A quote by George Bush. (18 April 2008)
Edward Lorenz died. (18 April 2008)
Are you eating well? You may be very sick! (27 April 2008)
I wonder how the movie Barbie played in Iran? (28 April 2008)
Is this the greatest news story in history? (29 April 2008)
Draft Zach Feinstein! (6 May 2008)
If you haven’t seen Aztec Rex, you probably should. (10 May 2008)
Mocking Hooters. Yes, I dare! (14 May 2008)
Life is crazy weird. (15 May 2008)
Annoying things at the theater. (18 May 2008)
This day in history! (19 May 2008)
Ewwww. (20 May 2008)
Should my wife have divorced me? (Obviously, the answer is “yes,” but she steadfastly refuses to do so!) (22 May 2008)
Ranting about education in Arizona! (26 May 2008)
The fetish prom! (27 May 2008)
My wife is very cool. Still is! (31 May 2008)
We landscaped our front yard. (10 June 2008)
I went back to Pennsylvania. (Fun photos included!) (29 June 2008)
Fish pedicures! (24 July 2008)
Naked protesting! (1 August 2008)
A few links. (11 August 2008)
Look at me, foolishly calling for moderate political debate! (29 August 2008)
Megan Fox needs to shut up. (19 September 2008)
Weird musical reference! (10 October 2008)
Some people are just horrible. (12 October 2008)
Sarah Palin saying dumb things. (19 October 2008)
Sex makes people weird. I know, it’s shocking. (20 October 2008)
Politics is in the air! (1 November 2008)
Beer and cigarettes at 10.15 in the morning. (3 November 2008)
Thoughts on the election. (6 November 2008)
More Election Day fall-out! (7 November 2008)
An election … in New Zealand! (8 November 2008)
Jews versus Mormons! (14 November 2008)
Oh, the links! (18 November 2008)
Black Friday always brings out the best in people! (29 November 2008)
God is mean. (3 December 2008)
The five stages of memorizing song lyrics. (4 December 2008)
I can’t be the only one who sees this! (9 December 2008)
Bettie Page died. (12 December 2008)
Pictures of the Year! (16 December 2008)
A really, really bad name for a child. (21 December 2008)
Our journey on the Verde Canyon Railroad. (8 January 2009)
Am I going to hell for thinking this person is hot? (9 January 2009)
Ricardo Montalban died. (14 January 2009)
Who remembers Estrada or Nada? (16 January 2009)
What’s so great about parliamentary democracy? (20 January 2009)
Cool picture. (27 January 2009)
Checking out the Mesa Community College class catalog. (1 February 2009)
Happy Birthday Zsa Zsa! (6 February 2009)
Hans Beck died. (10 February 2009)
Links … galore? (16 February 2009)
The quality of friendship. (8 March 2009)
Happy Birthday Barbie! (9 March 2009)
Lumberjack … beauty queens? (11 March 2009)
Naked bicycling! (13 March 2009)
Happy Birthday, Erik Estrada! (16 March 2009)
The world’s greatest sporting event. (19 March 2009)
The first day of spring! (21 March 2009)
Good legislation. (29 March 2009)
Bad legislation. (4 April 2009)
A night out in Cardiff, Wales. (12 April 2009)
Revisionist history! (25 April 2009)
Nude hiking: banned! (26 April 2009)
I bite my lip. I still do! (28 April 2009)
Gas in Arizona cost $1.93 on this day. Dang, that feels like forever ago. (9 May 2009)
Being a Luddite in a connected world. I did eventually get on Twitter, but no longer! (19 May 2009)
Moral relativism and torture. (25 May 2009)
Random thoughts about our trip to Disneyland. (9 June 2009)
YouTube videos that still exist! (13 June 2009)
Hand-washing instructions at Disneyland. (15 June 2009)
Photos from the 1980s! (30 June 2009)
Our power went out. (3 August 2009)
Hollywood isn’t liberal. (4 August 2009)
A review of District 9. (17 August 2009)
What would Jesus do? (20 August 2009)
Rick Pitino needs to shut up. (26 August 2009)
The summer of 1979. (4 September 2009)
A post about racism. (7 September 2009)
Thoughts on Inglourious Basterds. (24 September 2009)
I wish this video still worked, dang it. (30 September 2009)
I don’t get SpongeBob. I still don’t! (3 October 2009)
My favorite poems. (24 July 2006)
My favorite books – fiction and nonfiction. I’d probably change some of these, but not too many! (25 July 2006)
My favorite movie scenes. Again, some would change, but I stand by these! (27 July 2006)
My favorite television episodes. Ditto. (28 July 2006)
My favorite moments since I met my wife. (30 July 2006)
My favorite albums. This could use an update, but I don’t buy a ton of albums anymore, so I don’t know how much would change. (14 September 2006)
My favorite sports moments. Both the Phillies and Eagles have won championships since this date, so I’d probably have to switch some things up. (21 September 2006)
My favorite banned books. (28 September 2006)
My favorite English monarchs. (5 October 2006)
My favorite junk foods. Still legit! (13 October 2006)
My favorite cities. I would probably revise this a bit, but it’s not bad. (26 October 2006)
My favorite cartoons. This definitely needs to be updated, as it lacks Phineas and Ferb, Gravity Falls, and Scooby Doo: Mystery Incorporated, all of which would supplant some of these. (18 January 2007)
My favorite “guilty pleasures.” I still don’t like calling them that! (22 February 2007)
My favorite television theme songs. I did forget a few, but this still holds up, for me. (3 January 2008)
My favorite NFL (and AFL) Championship Games. Pre-Super Bowl, so this hasn’t changed! (10 January 2008)
My favorite wars. That’s still my list! (17 January 2008)
My favorite Christian sects. Doesn’t everyone have a top ten list of their favorite Christian sects? (7 February 2008)
My favorite fictional detectives. This still holds up pretty well, even though my #1 choice has been supplanted. (29 February 2008)
My favorite hair metal videos. I still stand by them! (7 March 2008)
My favorite science fiction books. This list holds up well, but I would have to consider sci-fi books I’ve read since 2008. (27 March 2008)
My favorite celebrity crushes. Of course, I expanded this list significantly a decade later. (10 April 2008)
My favorite vacations. I’ve taken three significant vacations since this time, and I’d probably have to slot them in somewhere. (19 June 2008)
My favorite empires. This list holds up, for me, as well. (31 July 2008)
1 January 1863. Plus the final update on my resolution! (1 January 1863)
2 January 1492. (2 January 2006)
5 January 1066. (5 January 2006)
6 January 1017. (6 January 2006)
7 January 1558. (7 January 2006)
8 January 1815. (8 January 2006)
9 January 1916. (9 January 2006)
10 January 49 B.C. (10 January 2006)
11 January 1757. (11 January 2006)
12 January 1519. (12 January 2006)
13 January 1898. (13 January 2006)
14 January 1208. (14 January 2006)
15 January 1559. (15 January 2006)
17 January 532. (17 January 2006)
18 January 1871. (18 January 2006)
19 January 1927. (19 January 2006)
20 January 1265. (20 January 2006)
21 January 1793. (21 January 2006)
23 January 1295. (23 January 2006)
24 January 1712. (24 January 2006)
25 January 1947. (25 January 2006)
28 January 814. (28 January 2006)
29 January 1536. (29 January 2006)
30 January 1889. (30 January 2006)
31 January 1943. (31 January 2006)
3 February 1913. (3 February 2006)
4 February 1789, 1861, 1944. (4 February 2006)
5 February 1985. (5 February 2006)
6 February 1286. (6 February 2006)
7 February 1812. (7 February 2006)
8 February 1587. (8 February 2006)
9 February 1567. (9 February 2006)
10 February 1258. (10 February 2006)
11 February 1847. (11 February 2006)
12 February 1809. (12 February 2006)
13 February 1945. (13 February 2006)
14 February 1400. (14 February 2006)
15 February 1898. (16 February 2006)
17 February 1673. (17 February 2006)
18 February 1478. (18 February 2006)
19 February 1945. (19 February 2006)
20 February 1872. (20 February 2006)
21 February 1916. (21 February 2006)
23 February 303. (23 February 2006)
24 February 1500, 1525, 1530. (24 February 2006)
2 March 1962. (2 March 2006)
3 March 1513. (3 March 2006)
4 March 1193. (4 March 2006)
7 March 161. (7 March 2006)
9 March 1862. (9 March 2006)
10 March 1831. (10 March 2006)
11 March 1942. (11 March 2006)
12 March 1938; 13 March 1905. (14 March 2006)
15 March 963. (15 March 2006)
18 March 1890. (18 March 2006)
19 March 1314. (19 March 2006)
21 March 1152. (21 March 2006)
TOTALLY RANDOM HISTORY (Just what it says: big chunks of prose from historical works, with my thoughts.)
The History of the Franks by Gregory of Tours. (18 August 2005)
The Secret History by Procopius. (31 August 2005)
Chronicles by Jean Froissart. (22 September 2005)
Acta Aunemundi. (29 November 2005)
The Twelve Caesars by Suetonius. (24 March 2006)
The Capture of Damietta by Oliver Paderborn. (12 August 2006)
Pictures from March 1992, Tasmania. (11 July 2005)
Pictures from March 1992, Tasmania. (18 July 2005)
Pictures from March 1992, Tasmania. (25 July 2005)
Pictures from March 1992, Tasmania. (1 August 2005)
Pictures from April 1992, sporting events in Melbourne. (8 August 2005)
Pictures from April 1992, Melbourne and the Great Ocean Road. (15 August 2005)
Pictures from April 1992, more from the Great Ocean Road. (22 August 2005)
Pictures from April 1992, Healesville Sanctuary. (29 August 2005)
Pictures from 1992, random Australia photos. (5 September 2005)
Pictures from June 1992, Adelaide. (11 September 2005)
Pictures from June 1992, Sydney. (18 September 2005)
Pictures from June 1992, Brisbane. (26 September 2005)
Pictures from June 1992, general Australia. (2 October 2005)
Pictures from July 1992, New Zealand. (9 October 2005)
Pictures from July 1992, New Zealand. (23 October 2005)
Pictures from July 1992, New Zealand. (30 October 2005)
Pictures from September 1992, Pittsburgh. (6 November 2005)
Pictures from autumn 1992, Penn State. (13 November 2005)
Pictures from spring 1993, Penn State. (21 November 2005)
Pictures from August 1993, Virginia. (27 November 2005)
Pictures from August 1993, Virginia and Tennessee. (5 December 2005)
Pictures from August 1993, Missouri and Kansas. (11 December 2005)
Pictures from August 1993, Colorado and Wyoming. (18 December 2005)
Pictures from August 1993, the Grand Tetons. (1 January 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Yellowstone National Park. (8 January 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Yellowstone National Park. (15 January 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Salt Lake City. (22 January 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Bryce Canyon. (30 January 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Zion National Park. (6 February 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, the Grand Canyon. (13 February 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Arizona and Nevada. (20 February 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, Las Vegas. (13 March 2006)
Pictures from August 1993, San Francisco. (21 March 2006)
Pictures from September 1993, Portland. (27 March 2006)
Pictures from January 1994, Cannon Beach. (4 April 2006)
Pictures from spring 1994, Columbia Gorge. (10 April 2006)
Pictures from spring and summer 1994, Portland. (18 April 2006)
Pictures from September 1994, Pennsylvania. (25 April 2006)
Pictures from October 1994, McKenzie River. (1 May 2006)
Pictures from May 1995, the Oregon coast. (8 May 2006)
Pictures from October 1995, New Orleans. (22 May 2006)
Pictures from October 1995, New Orleans. (29 May 2006)
Pictures from February 1996, flooding in Portland. (6 June 2006)
Pictures from May 1996, Seattle. (13 June 2006)
Pictures from May 1996, the Olympic peninsula. (19 June 2006)
Pictures from March 1997, eastern Oregon. (26 June 2006)
Pictures from summer 1997, Washington and Oregon. (3 July 2006)
Pictures from January 1998, Portland. (17 July 2006)
Pictures from May 1998, Lake Tahoe. (24 July 2006)
Pictures from May 1998, Lake Tahoe. (1 August 2006)
Pictures from July 1998, Victoria. (8 August 2006)
Pictures from September 1998, Portland. (14 August 2006)
Pictures from September 1998, the Oregon coast. (21 August 2006)
Pictures from autumn 1998, Portland and Mount Hood. (4 September 2006)
Pictures from 1999, downtown Portland (in black and white!) (15 January 2007)
Pictures from July 1999, cruising on the Willamette River. (23 January 2007)
Pictures from August 1999, our Caribbean vacation. (29 January 2007)
Pictures from August 1999, our Caribbean vacation. (12 February 2007)
Pictures from August 1999, our Caribbean vacation. (20 February 2007)
Pictures from August 1999, our Caribbean vacation. (26 February 2007)
Pictures from August 1999, our Caribbean vacation. (5 March 2007)
Pictures from August 1999, friends visit us in Portland and we wandered around town. (12 March 2007)
Pictures from October 1999, hiking in the Northwest. (20 March 2007)
Pictures from November 1999, our trip to Pennsylvania. (26 March 2007)
Pictures from November 1999, our side trip to Virginia. (3 April 2007)
Pictures from July 2007, our trip to Northern Arizona. (2 August 2007)
Pictures from February 2000, our hike near Mount Hood. (7 January 2008)
Pictures from February 2000, Silver Falls State Park. (15 January 2008)
Pictures from April 2000, downtown Portland. (21 January 2008)
Pictures from June 2000, our new (rental) house. (11 February 2008)
Pictures from August 2000, summer fun near Mount Hood. (25 February 2008)
Pictures from September 2000, the Chinese garden in Portland. (3 March 2008)
Pictures from October 2000, hiking in the Columbia Gorge. (10 March 2008)
Pictures from May 2001, Vancouver. (18 March 2008)
Pictures from May 2001, Vancouver. (24 March 2008)
Pictures from April 2008, desert flowers around my neighborhood. (1 April 2008)
Picture from June 2001, I get my Master’s Degree. (9 June 2008)
Pictures from July 2001, Seattle. (18 August 2008)
Blue skies over Arizona. (6 July 2009)
Part One. (20 November 2006)
Part Two. (21 November 2006)
Part Three. (25 November 2006)
Part Four. (28 November 2006)
Part Five. (2 December 2006)
Part Six. (9 December 2006)
Part Seven. (19 December 2006)
Part Eight. (28 December 2006)
Part Nine. (31 December 2006)
Thoughts about the football games of the week. (11 October 2004)
Annoying football takes. (19 October 2004)
World Series thoughts. (22 October 2004)
Andy Reid needs an ass-kicking. (26 October 2004)
Some random football thoughts. (10 January 2005)
How the Eagles can win the Super Bowl. Naturally, they ignored my excellent advice! (24 January 2005)
My wife had a vision about the Super Bowl. It did not go well. (5 February 2005)
The Eagles lost the Super Bowl, and I quasi-live-blogged it! (6 February 2005)
Football is back! (2 September 2005)
Week 1, 2005 NFL season. (12 September 2005)
Week 2, 2005 NFL season. (19 September 2005)
Week 3, 2005 NFL season. (26 September 2005)
Week 4, 2005 NFL season. (3 October 2005)
Great sports mythologies, debunked! (4 October 2005)
Week 5, 2005 NFL season. (10 October)
Week 7, 2005 NFL season. (24 October 2005)
Week 8, 2005 NFL season. (31 October 2005)
Week 9, 2005 NFL season. (7 November 2005)
Week 10, 2005 NFL season. (14 November 2005)
Week 11, 2005 NFL season. (21 November 2005)
Week 12, 2005 NFL season. (28 November 2005)
Week 15, 2005 NFL season. (19 December 2005)
Thoughts on the 2005 NFL season. (2 January 2006)
Thoughts on the Wildcard Games. (9 January 2006)
Thoughts on the Divisional Playoffs. (16 January 2006)
Thoughts on the Championship Games. (23 January 2006)
Thoughts on Super Bowl XL. (6 February 2006)
Sal Fasano. (13 April 2006)
The grossest miscarriage of justice in the history of the world! Some slight hyperbole there, possibly. (3 May 2006)
Interesting home run facts. (23 May 2006)
Random sports musings. (9 August 2006)
Week 1, 2006 NFL season. (11 September 2006)
Week 2, 2006 NFL season. (18 September 2006)
Week 3, 2006 NFL season. (25 September 2006)
Week 4, 2006 NFL season. (2 October 2006)
Week 5, 2006 NFL season. (9 October 2006)
Week 6, 2006 NFL season. (16 October 2006)
Week 7, 2006 NFL season. (24 October 2006)
Week 8, 2006 NFL season. (30 October 2006)
Week 9, 2006 NFL season. (6 November 2006)
Thoughts on the Super Bowl. (6 February 2007)
A bold prediction. I eventually changed my tune, not because he played for the Eagles, but because it seems like he genuinely changed and regretted his disgusting actions. (27 August 2007)
Week 1, 2007 NFL season. (10 September 2007)
Week 2, 2007 NFL season. (17 September 2007)
Week 3, 2007 NFL season. (24 September 2007)
Week 4, 2007 NFL season. (1 October 2007)
Week 5, 2007 NFL season. (8 October 2007)
Week 6, 2007 NFL season. (15 October 2007)
Week 7, 2007 NFL season. (22 October 2007)
Week 8, 2007 NFL season. (29 October 2007)
Week 9, 2007 NFL season. (5 November 2007)
Week 10, 2007 NFL season. (12 November 2007)
Week 11, 2007 NFL season. (20 November 2007)
My initial reaction after the Eagles lost to the undefeated Patriots. (25 November 2007)
Week 12, 2007 NFL season. (26 November 2007)
Week 13, 2007 NFL season. (3 December 2007)
Week 14, 2007 NFL season. (10 December 2007)
Thoughts on Bobby Petrino and Michael Vick. (12 December 2007)
Week 15, 2007 NFL season. (17 December 2007)
Week 16, 2007 NFL season. (24 December 2007)
Week 17, 2007 NFL season. (31 December 2007)
The Giants will not beat the Buccaneers. That post didn’t age well. (5 January 2008)
Some thoughts on the Super Bowl. (3 February 2008)
Final thoughts on the Super Bowl. (4 February 2008)
The “It” factor. (24 April 2008)
My new favorite sport! (10 July 2008)
Ignoring the Olympics! (6 August 2008)
Week 1, 2008 NFL season. (9 September 2008)
The only place you can get update about Bulgarian women’s hockey! (15 September 2008)
Week 2, 2008 NFL season. (16 September 2008)
Week 3, 2008 NFL season. (23 September 2008)
The most famous boner in history! (24 September 2008)
Week 4, 2008 NFL season. (29 September 2008)
Week 5, 2008 NFL season. (6 October 2008)
Week 6, 2008 NFL season. (13 October 2008)
The Phillies won the pennant! (16 October 2008)
Week 7, 2008 NFL season. (21 October 2008)
The 15th anniversary of the end of the 1993 World Series. (23 October 2008)
Media bias in sports? (27 October 2008)
Week 8, 2008 NFL season. (28 October 2008)
Week 9, 2008 NFL season. (4 November 2008)
Week 10, 2008 NFL season. (10 November 2008)
Week 11, 2008 NFL season. (19 November 2008)
Week 12, 2008 NFL season. (24 November 2008)
Week 13, 2008 NFL season. (2 December 2008)
Week 14, 2008 NFL season. (8 December 2008)
Week 15, 2008 NFL season. (15 December 2008)
Sammy Baugh died. (18 December 2008)
Week 16, 2008 NFL season. (22 December 2008)
Week 17, 2008 NFL season. (29 December 2008)
Thoughts on the Wild Card games. (5 January 2009)
Thoughts on the Divisional Playoffs. (11 January 2009)
Thoughts on the Championship Games. (19 January 2009)
Michael Vick on the Eagles? (13 August 2009)
Week 1, 2009 NFL season (with random cheesecake photos!). (14 September 2009)
Week 2, 2009 NFL season. (20 September 2009)
Week 3, 2009 NFL season (with random cheesecake photos!). (27 September 2009)
Rio gets the 2016 Olympics over Chicago. (2 October 2009)
Bye week blues. (5 October 2009)
Part One: the pilot. (24 January 2007)
Part Two: season one. (1 February 2007)
Part Three: season two. (15 February 2007)
Part Four: season three. (14 March 2007)
Part Five: season four. (10 April 2007)
Part Six: season five. (15 May 2007)
Part Seven: season six. (11 June 2007)
Part Eight: season seven. (9 July 2007)
Part Nine: season eight. (6 August 2007)
Part Ten: season nine. (28 August 2007)
A recap! (16 September 2007)
GREAT SONGS, ACCORDING TO ME (I made a list of over 600 songs, but I only got about 2/3 of the way through it before I ended my blog. I don’t know where the list is, but I’m sure I still have it somewhere!)
Part 1: “Abigail, Belle of Kilronan,” “Absolution,” “Add It Up,” “Adore,” “Afraid of Sunlight,” “Afterglow,” “Alexis,” “All Apologies,” “All for Leyna,” “All I Ever Wanted” (14 March 2005)
Part 2: “All I Gave,” “All My Little Words,” “All That That Brings,” “All the Answers,” “All Your Way,” “Always on the Run,” “American Horse,” “Amerika 6.0 (The Best We Can Do),” “Amnesia,” “Amsterdam” (25 March 2005)
Part 3: “And the Band Played Waltzing Matilda,” “And You and I,” “Andy,” “Angry Young Man,” “Antarctica,” “Any Way You Want It,” “Apathy … Superstar?,” “Are You Experienced?,” “Are You Gonna Go My Way,” “As Good As New” (8 April 2005)
Part 4: “Asleep on the Motorway,” “Baba O’Riley,” “Babe I’m Gonna Leave You,” “Baby Can Dance,” “Baby I’m a Star,” “Bad Attitude Shuffle,” “Bad Seamstress Blues/Falling Apart at the Seams,” “Barest Degree,” “Barrel of a Gun,” “Bartender’s Rag” (18 April 2005)
Part 5: “Bad,” “Battle Flag,” “Battleship Chains,” “Be Mine,” “Beat Me Up,” “Beautiful,” “Beautiful Girls,” “Beautiful Ones,” “Behind Blue Eyes,” “Behind the Lines/Duchess/Guide Vocal” (5 May 2005)
Part 6: “Behold! the Nightmare,” “Being So Not for You (I Had No Right),” “Believe,” “The Best of Times,” “Better or Worse,” “Between You and Me,” “Big Bad Bill (Is Sweet William Now),” “Big Time Operator,” “Billy Jack Bitch,” “Bitchin’ Camaro” (2 June 2005)
Part 7: “Black,” “Black Country Woman,” “Blasphemous Rumours,” “Bleed the Freak,” “Blissed,” “Blood of the Wolf,” “Blood on the Rooftops,” “Blow Up the Outside World,” “Blueman’s Daughter,” “Bone China” (21 June 2005)
Part 8: “Boogie with Stu,” “The Boomin’ System,” “Born of Frustration,” “Boys Light Up,” “Brave,” “Break Her Heart,” “Breakdown,” “Breaking the Girl,” “Breaking the Silence,” “Bridge” (7 July 2005)
Part 9: “Bring the Noise,” “The Broad Majestic Shannon,” “Bron-Y-Aur Stomp,” “Bullet the Blue Sky,” “Bullet with Butterfly Wings,” “Burden in My Hand,” “Bureaucrat of Flaccostreet,” “Cabo Wabo,” “Calling it Quits,” “Camel Walk” (22 July 2005)
Part 10: “Cassandra,” “Cast No Shadow,” “Cathedral Wall,” “The Chain,” “Champagne Supernova,” “Changes,” “Charting the Single,” “Childhoods End?/White Feather,” “Children of the Revolution,” “Christmas at Ground Zero” (23 August 2005)
Part 11: “Christmas Wrapping,” “Cinderella Search,” “The Cinema Show/Aisle of Plenty,” “Classic Girl,” “Close to the Borderline,” “Come Home,” “Come on Home,” “Coming Home,” “Common Ground,” “Common People” (13 September 2005)
Part 12: “The Company,” “Cool the Engines,” “Counting Out Time,” “Cover Your Face,” “Crash,” “Crazy,” “Credo,” “Crown of Thorns,” “Crucify,” “Cult of Personality” (29 September 2005)
Part 13: “D.M.S.R.,” “Daddy I’m Fine,” “Damn It Feels Good to be a Gangsta,” “Dancing With Myself,” “The Day Before You Came,” “A Day in the Life,” “Days That Used to Be,” “Dead Leaves and the Dirty Ground,” “Dead Mans Road,” “Dear Friend” (19 October 2005)
Part 14: “Death and Dying,” “Deathly,” “Debra,” “Deconstruction,” “Deep Shag,” “Demagogue,” “Desire,” “The Desperate Kingdom of Love,” “Desperate People,” “Devils Haircut” (16 November 2005)
Part 15: “Discothèque,” “Does Anybody Out There Even Care,” “Don’t Change,” “Don’t Crash the Car Tonight,” “Don’t Wait That Long,” “Down and Out,” “Down to the River and Pray,” “Driftwood,” “Drink Before the War,” “Drip, Drip, Drip” (22 December 2005)
Part 16: “Drop Dead Legs,” “Drown,” “Drunken Boat,” “Dry,” “Easy Way Out,” “Edge of the World,” “Elvis Is Dead,” “Empire,” “The End,” “Enjoy the Silence” (20 January 2006)
Part 17: “Entangled,” “The Entertainer,” “Estranged,” “The Everlasting Gaze,” “Everybody Hurts,” “Everybody Wants Some!!,” “Everything Is Equal,” “Everything’s Not Lost,” “Excursions,” “Exhausted” (8 February 2006)
Part 18: “Eye for Eye,” “Eyes of a Stranger,” “Face the Change,” “Factory Girls,” “Fade to Black,” “Fading Lights,” “Fairytale of New York,” “Faithfull,” “Falling to Pieces,” “Famous Last Words” (24 February 2006)
Part 19: “Fast Lane,” “Faye Tucker,” “Fearless,” “Feeding Frenzy,” “Feels So Good,” “A Few Words for the Dead,” “Fields of Joy,” “The First Time,” “Five Years,” “Five-O” (15 March 2006)
Part 20: “Follow You Follow Me,” “The Fonz,” “Foolin’,” “Fooling Yourself (The Angry Young Man),” “For My Lover,” “Forgotten Years,” “Foxy Lady,” “Friend of the Devil,” “Fugitive,” “The Full Bug” (9 April 2006)
Part 21: “Gallows Pole,” “Genie,” “Gentle Groove,” “Get Out the Map,” “Get the Funk Out,” “Gett Off,” “Ghost,” “The Ghost of a Smile,” “Give It All Away,” “Give It Revolution” (5 May 2006)
Part 22: “Given to Fly,” “The Globe,” “Glory Girl,” “Go!,” “Gold,” “Gold Dust Woman,” “The Golden Age,” “Golden Age,” “Goldfish & Clowns,” “Go’n Breakdown” (10 June 2006)
Part 23: “Gone Daddy Gone,” “Grendel,” “Groove Is in the Heart,” “Hard to Handle,” “Haunted,” “He Got Game,” “He Knows You Know,” “Heart of the Sunrise,” “Heart-Shaped Box,” “Heathaze” (20 July 2006)
Part 24: “Hell’s Ditch,” “Helpless,” “Hey, Hey Helen,” “Hey Hey What Can I Do,” “Hey, Johnny Park!,” “Hey Ladies,” “Her Father Didn’t Like Me Anyway,” “Hoof,” “Hope Alone,” “The Hounds of Winter” (8 September 2006)
Part 25: “House,” “How Soon Is Now?” “How Was It For You?” “Human Chain,” “Hurt,” “Hymn 43,” I Am a Man of Constant Sorrow,” “I Am One,” “I Am Stretched on Your Grave,” “I Am the City” (25 October 2006)
Part 26: “I Better Be Quiet Now,” “I Can’t Explain,” “I Could Have Lied,” “I Don’t Want That Kind of Love,” “I Don’t Want to Be Alone,” “I Don’t Want to See the Sights,” “I Hear a Symphony,” “I Held Her in My Arms,” “I Melt With You,” “I Remember You” (12 January 2007)
Part 27: “I Shatter,” “I Want Your (Hands on Me),” “I Would for You,” “Ice Cream Man,” “I’d Die Without You,” “Idiot Stare,” “Idol,” “If I Was Your Girlfriend,” “If I Was Your Man,” “If My Heart Were a Ball It Would Roll Uphill” (26 January 2007)
Part 28: “I’m a Mother,” “I’m Free,” I’m Lost and Then I’m Found,” “Immortality,” “In a Bar,” “In and Out of Love,” “In the Cage,” “In the Dark,” “In the Neighborhood, “In the New Age” (6 March 2007)
Part 29: “In My Life Today,” “In My Time of Dying,” “Incubus,” “Independence Day,” “Indian Summers Dream,” “Indifference,” “Inertia Creeps,” “Infecto Groovalistic,” “Inside Information,” “Instant Club Hit (You’ll Dance to Anything),” (28 March 2007)
Part 30: “Interior Lulu,” “International Bright Young Thing,” “Is it Too Late?” “Is This Desire?” “Istanbul (Not Constantinople),” “It Can Happen,” “It’ll Probably Make Me Cry,” “It’s a Mistake,” “It’s Raining Men,” “Jerusalem” (28 April 2007)
Part 31: “Jerusalem,” “Jesus Christ Pose,” “Jigsaw,” “Johnny Q,” “Junkie,” “Just Good Friends (Close),” “Just Like Fred Astaire,” “Just Say,” “Kayleigh,” “King” (1 June 2007)
Part 32: “Kiss,” “Kisses of Fire,” “Knock Me Down,” “Knowing Me Knowing You,” “LA,” “Lady Let it Lie,” “Ladyfingers,” “Last,” “Last Call,” “The Last Day of Our Acquaintance,” (6 September 2007)
Part 33: “The Last Mile,” “The Last to Know,” “Laura,” “Leash,” “Leave,” “Let’s Go Crazy,” “Let’s Pretend We’re Married,” “Life Going By,” “A Lifetime,” “Like It or Not” (6 October 2007)
Part 34: “Little Guitars,” “Little Suzi,” “Living With the Big Lie,” “Looking Through Patient Eyes,” “Loose!”, “London You’re a Lady,” “Lordy Lord,” “Lost Cause,” “Love,” “Love Buzz” (27 October 2007)
Part 35: “Love Removal Machine,” “Love 2 the 9’s,” “Love You ‘Till the End,” “Love’s Recovery,” “The Luckiest Guy on the Lower East Side,” “Mama,” “Mama Said Knock You Out,” “Mamma Mia,” “Man of a Thousand Faces,” “Many Too Many” (25 December 2007)
Part 36: “Mean Street,” “Meaningless,” “Memories Can’t Wait,” “MidLife Crisis,” “Milk & Honey,” “Mind Over Matter,” “Miss America,” “Mofo,” “Moment of Forgiveness,” “Monday A.M. First Thing” (9 February 2008)
Part 37: “Monkey Wrench,” “A Month of Sundays,” “More Fool Me,” “Mr. Integrity,” “Mr. Self Destruct,” “Muhammad My Friend,” “The Musical Box,” “Musicology,” “Muzzle,” “My Country” (27 April 2008)
Part 38: “My Lovin’ (You’re Never Gonna Get It),” “My Name Is Prince,” “Mysterious Ways,” “The Name of the Game,” “Nashville,” “Nervous Breakthrough,” “Never a Time,” “Never Satisfied,” “Neverland,” “Next to You” (13 July 2008)
Part 39: “Next Year,” “New Jack Hustler,” “New Way Home,” “Nice to Know You,” “Nicotine & Gravy,” “Nights of Mystery,” “1999,” “Nitro Burning Funny Cars,” “No Further Damage,” “No Man’s Land” (4 October 2009)
American Aurora: A Democratic-Republican Returns by Richard Rosenfeld. (8 November 2004)
The Queen’s Man and Cruel as the Grave by Sharon Kay Penman. (16 November 2004)
The French Foreign Legion: A Complete History of the Legendary Fighting Force by Douglas Porch. (14 January 2005)
The Boxer Rebellion: The Dramatic Story of China’s War on Foreigners that Shook the World in the Summer of 1900 by Diana Preston. (30 January 2005)
The Golden Compass, The Subtle Knife, and The Amber Spyglass by Philip Pullman. (14 February 2005)
Shame by Salman Rushdie. (8 March 2005)
Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner by Paul M. Sammon. (30 March 2005)
Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American Meal by Eric Schlosser. 6 April 2005)
Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs, and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market by Eric Schlosser. (16 April 2005)
Ivanhoe by Walter Scott and Tales from Fish Camp by Danielle Henderson. (17 May 2005)
Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins. (30 June 2005)
Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explains the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt and Stephen J. Dubner. (27 July 2005)
The Yamato Dynasty: The Secret History of Japan’s Imperial Family by Sterling Seagrave and Peggy Seagrave. (23 October 2005)
Quo Vadis by Henryk Sienkiewicz and Swastika by Michael Slade. (20 December 2005)
Underground London: Travels Beneath the City Streets by Stephen Smith. (14 March 2006)
God’s Chinese Son: The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom of Hong Xiuquan by Jonathan D. Spence. (15 June 2006)
The Intelligencer by Leslie Silbert. (25 June 2006)
All About “All About Eve” by Sam Staggs. (5 July 2006)
Meet You In Hell: Andrew Carnegie, Henry Clay Frick, and the Bitter Partnership That Transformed America by Les Standiford. (18 July 2006)
Getting Lost: Survival, Baggage and Starting Over in J. J. Abrams’ Lost, edited by Orson Scott Card and Unlocking the Meaning of Lost: An Unauthorized Guide by Lynnette Porter and David Lavery. (19 August 2006)
The Short Reign of Pippin IV by John Steinbeck. (16 September 2006)
The Mystery of the Sea by Bram Stoker. (30 January 2007)
Damascus Gate by Robert Stone. (11 March 2007)
Spanking the Donkey: Dispatches from the Dumb Season by Matt Taibbi. (17 March 2007)
The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor. (25 March 2007)
Dry Heat by Jon Talton. (1 April 2007)
Perfect From Now On: How Indie Rock Saved My Life by John Sellers. (15 April 2007)
The Year Babe Ruth Hit 104 Home Runs: Recrowning Baseball’s Greatest Slugger by Bill Jenkinson. (4 May 2007)
The Colony: The Harrowing True Story of the Exiles of Molokai by John Tayman. (7 July 2007)
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. (24 July 2007)
Crusader Nation: The United States in Peace and the Great War, 1898-1920 by David Traxel. (24 August 2007)
Gettysburg: A Testing of Courage by Noah Andre Trudeau. (31 August 2007)
Assassination Vacation by Sarah Vowell. (9 October 2007)
The Dark Angel by Mika Waltari; The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization by Bryan Ward-Perkins; Sailing From Byzantium: How a Lost Empire Shaped the World by Colin Wells. (24 November 2007)
From Jesus to Christianity: How Four Generations of Visionaries & Storytellers Created the New Testament and Christian Faith by L. Michael White. (15 December 2007)
Rolling Thunder in a Gentle Land: The Vietnam War Revisited by Andrew Wiest. (6 January 2008)
Breaker Boys: The NFL’s Greatest Team and the Stolen 1925 Championship by David Fleming. (27 January 2008)
Love and Death in Kathmandu: A Strange Tale of Royal Murder by Amy Willesee and Mark Whittaker. (2 February 2008)
Charlemagne by Derek Wilson; Becoming Charlemagne: Europe, Baghdad, and the Empires of A.D. 800 by Jeff Sypeck. (25 March 2008)
Krakatoa: The Day the World Exploded, August 27, 1883 by Simon Winchester. (6 April 2008)
Jeeves and the Tie that Binds by P. G. Wodehouse. (22 April 2008)
Napoleon and his Collaborators: The Making of a Dictatorship by Isser Woloch. (9 May 2008)
In Search of Myths and Heroes: Exploring Four Epic Legends of the World by Michael Wood. (13 May 2008)
Pontius Pilate by Ann Wroe. (13 June 2008)
Nanjing 1937: A Love Story by Ye Zhaoyan. (9 July 2008)
Dark Horse: The Surprise Election and Political Murder of President James A. Garfield by Kenneth D. Ackerman. (22 July 2008)
Last Team Standing: How the Steelers and the Eagles – “The Steagles” – Saved Pro Football During World War II by Matthew Algeo. (22 August 2008)
Young J. Edgar: Hoover, The Red Scare, and The Assault on Civil Liberties by Kenneth D. Ackerman. (5 October 2008)
Carlisle vs. Army: Jim Thorpe, Dwight Eisenhower, Pop Warner, and the Forgotten Story of Football’s Greatest Battle by Lars Anderson. (7 December 2008)
The Will by Reed Arvin. (15 January 2009)
Shadowplay: The Hidden Beliefs and Coded Politics of William Shakespeare by Clare Asquith. (8 February 2009)
War Reporting for Cowards by Chris Ayres. (22 February 2009)
Dreamland by Kevin Baker. (1 March 2009)
Sacrament by Clive Barker. (24 March 2009)
Abarat by Clive Barker. (11 April 2009)
Arthur & George by Julian Barnes and The Somnambulist by Jonathan Barnes. (18 April 2009)
The Alps: A Cultural History by Andrew Beattie. (5 May 2009)
The Battle for Spain: The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 by Antony Beevor. (21 June 2009)
For the Thrill of It: Leopold, Loeb, and the Murder That Shocked Jazz Age Chicago by Simon Baatz. (7 July 2009)
The Catastrophist by Ronan Bennett. (21 July 2009)
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls: How the Sex-Drugs-and-Rock ‘N’ Roll Generation Saved Hollywood by Peter Biskind. (1 September 2009)
The story of Mia’s accident. With special guest commenter Mike Loughlin! (22 February 2005)
Poking and prodding at the child. (23 February 2005)
Mia’s weekend. (28 February 2005)
Mia tries out the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. It didn’t do much, sadly. (3 March 2005)
Mia the cheerleader. (6 March 2005)
Mia in the hyperbaric chamber! (6 March 2005)
Mia at the Scottish Festival! (6 March 2005)
Mia and her PT. (6 March 2005)
Mia and her OT. (6 March 2005)
Mia in a rocking chair. (6 March 2005)
Random Christmas photo. (6 March 2005)
Mia milestones. (6 March 2005)
PT with Mia! (8 March 2005)
Items of note about Mia. (13 March 2005)
Mia gets some stuff. (17 March 2005)
Mia gets a big-girl bed. (21 March 2005)
Mia talks to her hand. (24 March 2005)
Mia eats her hair. Twenty years later, she still does if it gets long enough. (27 March 2005)
Mia gets an EEG. (4 April 2005)
A visit to the courthouse. (6 April 2005)
Why do people suck? (8 April 2005)
The glory of … the horn hierarchy! (9 April 2005)
Adjusting Mia’s meds. (12 April 2005)
Mia and her father. (16 April 2005)
Mia and her grandmother. (16 April 2005)
Mia getting some PT. (16 April 2005)
Mia in her sandbox. (16 April 2005)
Mia and her grandfather. (16 April 2005)
Mia and her grandfather, part two. (16 April 2005)
Mia in the hospital after her accident. (18 April 2005)
Mia in the hospital after her accident, part two. (18 April 2005)
Mia got a chair. (22 April 2005)
Conversing with Mia. (23 April 2005)
So many medications for Mia! (27 April 2005)
We bought a van. (30 April 2005)
Mia explores. (5 May 2005)
Mia peed on me. The joys of parenting! (8 May 2005)
Meeting with Mia’s therapists. (10 May 2005)
Mia goes on a road trip. (15 May 2005)
Mia gets a gait trainer. (16 May 2005)
Mia’s cuteness. (20 May 2005)
Buying stuff for Mia. (23 May 2005)
Out and about with Mia. (27 May 2005)
Random things about Mia. (28 May 2005)
Mia’s evaluations begin! (31 May 2005)
Putting Mia in her gait trainer. (5 June 2005)
Eating is for suckers. (7 June 2005)
Mia wallows in her own filth. (8 June 2005)
Mia likes to crush. (10 June 2005)
Various photos of Mia. (12 June 2005)
Mucus plug! (15 June 2005)
Mia is evaluated. (22 June 2005)
Norah is born! (22 June 2005)
A timeline of Norah’s birth. (25 June 2005)
Mia gets approved for special ed. pre-school! (30 June 2005)
The doctor will not see you now. (30 June 2005)
Everything we do is wrong. (6 July 2005)
More meds for Mia. (11 July 2005)
Mia likes to chat. (17 July 2005)
Some pictures of the children. (20 July 2005)
Mia in her gait trainer. (25 July 2005)
A day in the life of Norah. (29 July 2005)
The perfect storm. (1 August 2005)
Oh, the photos! (2 August 2005)
Mia learns about quid pro quo. (4 August 2005)
Home alone! (10 August 2005)
Smiley Pete! (16 August 2005)
Mia at school. (21 August 2005)
It all becomes clear! (25 August 2005)
Mia’s birthday party. (29 August 2005)
Explaining parenthood. (30 August 2005)
The second-worst question you can ask someone! (3 September 2005)
Assorted pictures. (9 September 2005)
Norah’s achievements. (12 September 2005)
Conversations with Mia. (17 September 2005)
I’m offended. (19 September 2005)
Three-month update on Norah. (22 September 2005)
Determining what’s best for Mia. (27 September 2005)
The exorcism of Norah. (30 September 2005)
Norah and Zoe. (4 October 2005)
Mia clenches. (5 October 2005)
Emotions. (10 October 2005)
Links to parenting blogs. Dare you see if any are still around?!?!? (12 October 2005)
Checking out some photos. (18 October 2005)
The SCREAMING!!!! (23 October 2005)
Mia lost her music therapist. (29 October 2005)
Norah’s diabolical plot. (2 November 2005)
Little things. (8 November 2005)
Mia tries to drive me insane. (9 November 2005)
The Demon Child and her Goofy Sidekick. (15 November 2005)
Rolling with Norah. (21 November 2005)
So many photographs! (28 November 2005)
3.46 ante meridian. (30 November 2005)
The Great Debate. (2 December 2005)
Ignoring is bliss. (7 December 2005)
The plateau. (15 December 2005)
Mia’s development, or lack thereof. (27 December 2005)
Update on the kids. (6 January 2006)
Christmas photos. (8 January 2006)
A weird name? (12 January 2006)
Changes to Mia’s gait trainer. (17 January 2006)
Mia visits the neurologist. (22 January 2006)
The plague house. (31 January 2006)
Some photos. (2 February 2006)
Mia’s day at school. (2 February 2006)
Update on the plague house. (8 February 2006)
The undiscovered country. (12 February 2006)
Mia peed in the toilet. Our joy was short-lived. (23 February 2006)
More Mia babbling. (2 March 2006)
Mia art! (8 March 2006)
Norah the daredevil. (9 March 2006)
Updates on the children. (13 March 2006)
The phantom toy. (14 March 2006)
Photos! (16 March 2006)
I get grumpy about people saying stupid things. (26 March 2006)
The power struggle. (1 April 2006)
Prison break! (8 April 2006)
Queen of the BM. (14 April 2006)
Sleeping beauty. (23 April 2006)
Norah comes close to walking. (26 April 2006)
Mia’s vocabulary. (30 April 2006)
Mia sat up. It was not the beginning of a trend, sadly. (30 April 2006)
Norah enjoys the crawling! (3 May 2006)
Mia stacks. (10 May 2006)
The crazy lady at the hospital. (16 May 2006)
Norah digs her crawl tube. (18 May 2006)
My wife, the interior decorator. (26 May 2006)
Norah learns to stand. (31 May 2006)
Mia’s AFO. (4 June 2006)
Norah digs her toys. (10 June 2006)
Krys is crafty. (18 June 2006)
Norah turns one. (22 June 2006)
Norah’s first birthday party. (28 June 2006)
Hanging out in the pool. (2 July 2006)
Mia’s mysterious injuries. (8 July 2006)
The middle of the road. (12 July 2006)
Kids are disgusting. (18 July 2006)
Norah figures things out. (21 July 2006)
Mia: Seizure free? Sadly, not forever, but for a while, yes. (23 July 2006)
Mia learns to count. (28 July 2006)
Mobility issues for all! (1 August 2006)
Mia gets Botox! (4 August 2006)
Protecting the children against household dangers! (9 August 2006)
News and notes. (15 August 2006)
Mia’s meds. (20 August 2006)
Mia has a drinking problem. (25 August 2006)
Norah loves her blanket. (29 August 2006)
Mia’s fourth birthday. (30 August 2006)
Norah is easy to raise! Yeah, that didn’t last. (7 September 2006)
Mia’s avant-garde art. (12 September 2006)
Norah finds a scapegoat! (15 September 2006)
Mia likes to tumble. (19 September 2006)
Mia’s postmodern art. (25 September 2006)
Breaking Norah’s habits. (28 September 2006)
Norah learns what opposable thumbs are for. (30 September 2006)
Norah: Fashion Icon! (3 October 2006)
The wife corrupts the child! (9 October 2006)
Showdown at the Barnes & Noble. (13 October 2006)
Mia needs glasses. (15 October 2006)
Small things that make us sad. (23 October 2006)
Field trip to the farm. (25 October 2006)
The weird world of a one-year-old. (1 November 2006)
Fun photos. (6 November 2006)
Updates on the kids! (27 November 2006)
Is Mia a criminal? (3 December 2006)
Norah got a hat! (10 December 2006)
Mia gets glasses. (15 December 2006)
How to discipline Mia. (2 January 2007)
Norah digs the cat. (9 January 2007)
Updates on Mia. (16 January 2007)
Mondays are awesome. (22 January 2007)
Mia begins hippotherapy. (27 January 2007)
Goofy photos of Norah. (30 January 2007)
Hippotherapy photos! (5 February 2007)
Norah is weird. (13 February 2007)
Norah switches to a booster seat. (18 February 2007)
Norah chillin’. (25 February 2007)
Evaluating Mia! (4 March 2007)
Mia is a lion! (9 March 2007)
Mia cannot be stopped! (13 March 2007)
Norah: Committed Educator! (20 March 2007)
Norah plays in the rain. (26 March 2007)
Mia’s expanding vocabulary. (2 April 2007)
Norah pees in the toilet. (5 April 2007)
Planning for Mia’s kindergarten. (10 April 2007)
Mia and Norah in the neighborhood. (17 April 2007)
Mia: Ultra-Liberal! (26 April 2007)
Mia’s sleeping problems. (3 May 2007)
Norah got a haircut. (8 May 2007)
Mia and Norah are out and about! (14 May 2007)
An IEP meeting for Mia! (22 May 2007)
Mia finishes pre-school. (27 May 2007)
Norah’s new bed. (1 June 2007)
Norah eats corn on the cob. (11 June 2007)
The Wiggles made my daughters cry. (15 June 2007)
Norah’s boo-boo. (20 June 2007)
Norah’s second birthday. (25 June 2007)
“Away!” (1 July 2007)
Getting official pictures taken. (4 July 2007)
Norah: Girl Rebel! (12 July 2007)
Norah’s development. (17 July 2007)
Norah is wacky. (26 July 2007)
Seeing doctors with Mia. (1 August 2007)
The vanishing blanket. (6 August 2007)
Mia goes off to school! (26 August 2007)
Squeaky wheel? (4 September 2007)
Norah gets fancy! (9 September 2007)
Mia loses a tooth. (13 September 2007)
What are the kids saying? (27 September 2007)
Overheard! (1 October 2007)
Mia’s accomplishments. (3 October 2007)
Mia knows some songs. (11 October 2007)
Norah hates insects. (12 October 2007)
Mia’s first parent-teacher conference. (19 October 2007)
Norah and Krys head east. (30 October 2007)
Halloween photos. (4 November 2007)
Norah digs mirrors. (12 November 2007)
Norah gets spruced up. (18 November 2007)
Mia says some puzzling things. (22 November 2007)
Norah makes an important discovery. (29 November 2007)
Norah digs rain. (30 November 2007)
Norah puts things on her head. (9 December 2007)
Bread crust is AWESOME. (14 December 2007)
Norah’s mad motor skillz! (20 December 2007)
Random photos of the children. (24 December 2007)
Christmas photos. (30 December 2007)
Trying to potty-train Mia. (12 January 2008)
Odds-‘n’-ends about Mia. (17 January 2008)
Innovations in horse riding. (25 January 2008)
Videos of Mia doing stuff. (30 January 2008_
Norah: The Terrible Twos! (5 February 2008)
Norah: Girl Genius? (9 February 2008)
Parents vex me. (15 February 2008)
Annoying things. (23 February 2008)
Weird things parents do. (28 February 2008)
Thinking about Mia’s many therapists. (2 March 2008)
Field trips! (9 March 2008)
Insurance is annoying. (15 March 2008)
Norah has a prodigious memory! (18 March 2008)
Continuing to try to potty-train Mia. It did not work, sadly. (20 March 2008)
Trying to cut Mia’s medication. (24 March 2008)
News items. (30 March 2008)
Norah digs the Yoo-Hoo! (3 April 2008)
Norah decides the shower isn’t scary. (8 April 2008)
Learning names with Mia. (13 April 2008)
Norah reads the newspapers! (22 April 2008)
Norah goes to the dentist. (29 April 2008)
Hanging out with Norah. (5 May 2008)
It’s an IEP meeting! (10 May 2008)
Norah lives in fear! (11 May 2008)
Norah caught on tape! (28 May 2008)
Mia’s behavioral problems. (3 June 2008)
The kids love the commercials! (8 June 2008)
Mia’s week at summer school. (13 June 2008)
Shockingly, it took a while to get a wheelchair for Mia. (18 June 2008)
Our trip to Pennsylvania. (30 June 2008)
Norah the banshee. (6 July 2008)
Norah escapes! (12 July 2008)
The diaper conundrum. (16 July 2008)
Norah can open the front door. Dum-dum-DUMMMMM!!!! (22 July 2008)
Norah, learning to speak. (29 July 2008)
Mia had a busy week. (3 August 2008)
The cats love Norah. (9 August 2008)
Official photographs of the kids. (17 August 2008)
Norah gets (unfortunately) crafty! (18 August 2008)
Norah recognizes famous landmarks! (23 August 2008)
Norah sings a familiar tune! (27 August 2008)
Mia’s sixth birthday. (30 August 2008)
We’re always trying new things to help Mia! (2 September 2008)
Mia needs hip surgery. (4 September 2008)
Mia’s birthday party. (11 September 2008)
A small breakthrough on potty training. (20 September 2008)
Norah’s potty training! (26 September 2008)
More on Norah’s potty training! (29 September 2008)
Mia at school. (16 October 2008)
Norah is scared of everything! (31 October 2008)
Norah rejects Bono! (6 November 2008)
Norah gets a bike. (17 November 2008)
Mia’s motivation. (28 November 2008)
People suck sometimes. (2 December 2008)
Mia decides to start eating. (14 December 2008)
A very Burgas Christmas. (6 January 2009)
Norah ditches the diaper. (10 January 2009)
Fun photo of Norah. (23 January 2009
Family photos! (27 January 2009)
Norah learns to swim! (31 January 2009)
Norah’s quote of the day. (3 February 2009)
Mia’s hip surgery! (5 February 2009)
Mia has a bad first day back at school. (10 February 2009)
Mia gets her bandages off. (15 February 2009)
Norah’s sharks. (24 February 2009)
Update on Norah’s sharks! (26 February 2009)
Medical update on Mia! (9 March 2009)
Mia used a spoon. Big news, believe me. (25 March 2009)
Mia needs to gain weight! (31 March 2009)
Mia’s quick recovery from hip surgery. (5 April 2009)
Mia doing some weight-bearing. (13 April 2009)
Norah being Norah. (24 April 2009)
Mia’s IEP meeting, where we heard she had to switch schools. (3 May 2009)
Random photos of Norah. (10 May 2009)
Mia and Norah perform! (23 May 2009)
Mia has to change schools. We really liked the program she was in, so this sucked. (28 May 2009)
Norah is sadly prescient about her teenage years! (10 June 2009)
Norah has issues. (15 June 2009)
Adventures in Disneyland, Part One. (15 June 2009)
Adventures in Disneyland, Part Two. (19 June 2009)
Mia gets an endoscopy. (23 June 2009)
Mia eats … a little bit! (3 July 2009)
Norah is avant-garde! (6 July 2009)
Another hip surgery for Mia! (9 July 2009)
Norah digs Led Zeppelin. (16 July 2009)
Update on Mia’s hip surgery. (1 August 2009)
Norah sings Styx songs. (7 August 2009)
Pictures from San Diego. (9 August 2009)
Mia’s new teacher. (25 August 2009)
Mia’s seventh birthday. (5 September 2009)
Norah had a playdate. (13 September 2009)
Mia’s hip problem is still not solved. (19 September 2009)
We’re all keeping it real. (27 September 2009)
Norah and her pimp cane. (4 October 2009)
No good news about Mia! (18 October 2009)
Norah’s sense of humor. (27 October 2009)
School issues with Mia. (9 November 2009)
Norah is super-respectful! (11 November 2009)
Norah drives a wedge between me and my wife! (18 November 2009)
Thanksgiving at the Burgas house! (2 December 2009)
Norah is classy! (10 December 2009)
Norah wants peanuts! (17 December 2009)
Videos of Norah. (18 December 2009)
Christmas videos! (2 January 2010)
Norah is, not surprisingly, sassy. (8 January 2010)
Teaching Mia to read! (That did not last long, sadly.) (11 January 2010)
Parent-teacher conference notes. (19 January 2010)
Mia needs surgery. Boo! (26 January 2010)
Norah finds words awesome. (9 February 2010)
Mia’s surgery. (22 February 2010)
Post-surgery update on Mia. (1 March 2010)
Norah the smart-ass. (5 March 2010)
The difference between girls and boys! (7 March 2010)
Norah knows the hip slang! (9 March 2010)
Mia’s MET meeting. (17 March 2010)
Mia experiences a setback! (24 March 2010)
Mia’s visit to the hospital. (30 March 2010)
Norah’s new school. (6 April 2010)
Mia’s IEP meeting. (16 April 2010)
Mia got a haircut. (17 April 2010)
Norah shows her wisdom! (24 April 2010)
Real-world stuff interrupts my blogging! (16 May 2010)
Norah freaks out. Sadly, it will not be the last time. (24 May 2010)
More Norah quotes. (25 May 2010)
Norah has thoughts about her birthday. (31 May 2010)
The end of the school year. (2 June 2010)
Norah’s fifth birthday. (22 June 2010)
Norah’s rough life. (2 July 2010)
Norah loves a certain word. (12 July 2010)
Norah is doing art. (25 July 2010)
Selling the children ought to be an option. (1 August 2010)
On the road with the family. (7 August 2010
First day of school photos. (11 August 2010
The kids are in school. (21 August 2010)
Mia and her goonie. (30 August 2010)
Mia’s eighth birthday. (8 September 2010)
Norah makes demands. (12 September 2010)
Norah’s dream. (23 September 2010)
Norah the politician. (28 September 2010)
Breaking down Norah’s art! (4 October 2010)
Mia’s educational supervisors need to get tough on her! (5 October 2010)
Norah the martial artist. (10 October 2010)
Some decent news about Mia’s health. (18 October 2010)
Halloween photos! (1 November 2010)
Norah is all independent. (8 November 2010)
Weight check on Mia. (15 November 2010)
Norah sings some odd songs. (18 November 2010)
Norah gets a Transformer. (1 December 2011)
My career as an agitator. (16 December 2010)
Mia rides a bike. (2 January 2011)
Holiday-type stuff. (4 January 2011)
Norah quotes! (12 January 2011)
Videos of the kids. (2 February 2011)
Norah’s brain. (8 February 2011)
Concerns about Mia’s weight. (21 February 2011)
More concerns about Mia’s weight. (11 March 2011)
Norah is doing serious work! (15 March 2011)
Norah learns how to tie her shoes. (29 March 2011)
Norah lost a tooth. (10 April 2011)
Art by Norah. (16 April 2011)
Mia heads to the clinic. (9 May 2011)
Mia’s at the clinic! (16 May 2011)
Norah finishes kindergarten. (26 May 2011)
Mia’s at the clinic! (31 May 2011)
Visiting the family in Pennsylvania. (12 June 2011)
Mia gets out of the clinic. (15 June 2011)
Summer updates and Norah’s sixth birthday. (5 July 2011)
Norah loves the slang. (13 July 2011)
We went to San Diego. (31 July 2011)
Back to school news! (14 August 2011)
Updates on Mia. (23 August 2011)
Mia’s ninth birthday. (30 August 2011)
Our weekend in Sedona. (19 September 2011)
Norah gets graded for the first time! (26 September 2011)
Norah took piano lessons … and decided it was not for her. (12 October 2011)
Mia had a busy month. (30 October 2011)
Norah went trick-or-treating. (1 November 2011)
Mia got a haircut! (6 November 2011)
Mia’s new wheelchair. (13 November 2011)
Norah got a haircut! (27 November 2011)
Frustrating visits to doctors. (4 December 2011)
Mia enjoys television. (9 December 2011)
Norah’s winter concert. (20 December 2011)
Holiday stuff. (31 December 2011)
Reflections on 2011, hope for 2012.Mia got a g-tube. (16 January 2012)
Some medical updates on Mia. (7 February 2012)
Norah’s avant-garde art. (21 February 2012)
Norah has a swim meet. (26 February 2012)
Norah got her ears pierced. (29 February 2012)
Norah draws George Washington. (12 March 2012)
Mia’s IEP and other things. (25 March 2012)
More about Mia’s educational situation. ((8 April 2012)
Thinking about God. (29 April 2012)
Health and education updates. (13 May 2012)
Mia gets weighed. (24 May 2012)
Mia’s Botox injections. (2 June 2012)
Norah’s fascinating fiction. (15 June 2012)
Norah’s seventh birthday. (3 July 2012)
Visiting the East. (21 July 2012)
Mia’s bald spot. (3 August 2012)
Norah in Disneyland. (12 August 2012)
Mia’s tenth birthday. (30 August 2012)
Mia got a leg brace. (13 September 2012)
Mia’s frustrating health problems. (8 October 2012)
Norah is goofy. (31 October 2012)
Mia visits her doctors. (19 November 2012)
Norah rides a bike. Sadly, she didn’t ride it for long. (10 December 2012)
The EEG that wasn’t. (24 December 2012)
Holiday photos. (31 December 2012)
Mia’s gastric issues. (1 February 2013)
Mia’s gastric issues. (18 February 2013)
Norah gets … graded! (26 February 2013)
Norah’s mystery story! (16 March 2013)
Mia’s gastric issues. (6 April 2013)
Norah gets a mash note. (11 May 2013)
Mia gets a new neurologist. (30 May 2013)
Norah’s activities. (16 June 2013)
Mia’s health problems. (1 July 2013)
My fathering skills are … questionable. (5 August 2013)
Back to school! (24 August 2013)
Mia’s eleventh birthday. (30 August 2013)
Mia got a van. (18 September 2013)
Fun times at the orthodontist! (30 September 2013)
Norah at Disneyland. (30 October 2013)
Mia got a chair. (30 November 2013)
Medical mayhem with Mia. (22 December 2013)
Teaching art to children. (29 January 2014)
Is Mia becoming a cyborg? (26 February 2014)
Mia got some new medication. (11 May 2014)
Third graders are wacky. (28 May 2014)
Norah got braces. (31 May 2014)
Norah’s art. (2 July 2014)
Various bits of news about the kids. (31 August 2014)
So many appointments for Mia! (31 October 2014)
Mia goes flying. (11 December 2014)
Norah goes on parade. (19 January 2015)
Constipation is bad. (28 February 2015)
The saga of Mia’s wheelchair. (24 March 2015)
Mia got a new bed. (5 April 2015)
Update on Mia’s back surgery. (29 June 2015)
Teenager Mia. (15 November 2015)
Mia riding horses! (30 December 2015)
Norah’s fifth grade year. (3 June 2016)
The little things. (25 August 2016)
Vacationing with a special needs child! (2 July 2017)
The saga of Mia’s chair. (9 November 2018)
Our trip to Pennsylvania. (25 November 2019)
Life in the time of COVID. (12 August 2020)
Mia turns 18. (30 August 2020)
Norah learns about life. (7 March 2021)
Well, that was something, wasn’t it? I will get to the comics-related stuff in my next posts, just in case you’re interested. Again, I don’t expect you to actually click on these links, but hey! maybe you’ll see something you like in them. Thanks for reading!