Cover date: July, 1964
Now that Alien Visitors is in the tank, I can resume my Silver Age rereading. This week I picked up where I left off, with comics cover-dated July 1964. This …
Now that Alien Visitors is in the tank, I can resume my Silver Age rereading. This week I picked up where I left off, with comics cover-dated July 1964. This …
Despite coming from Stan Lee and Steve Ditko, Tales of Suspense #49 is a mess. Like a lot of the early Marvel I’ve been rereading, it makes me feel the …
Yeah, okay, this is not quick at all, but let’s check it out anyway!
Following the lead of another Atomic Junk Shop regular who wrote about some itches that took years to be scratched, I take a look at a few comics stories that left itches I only managed to scratch decades after the fact
Tony Stark’s father went from a one-panel throwaway character to a legend in his own right.
If a character’s lasted for decades before you got your hands on them, there’s usually a reason for that. And it’s usually because the creators did something — or several somethings — right. So it makes sense to consider exactly what made the character successful in the first place before you translate them to the screen.
Travis talks about his first time at a comic shop, and also includes an update about the other comics featured in that DC TV ad from last time, thanks to you the reader!