Tag: Nightwing
Review: Nightwing #100: A Celebration
Nightwing #100 is, against all odds, a true celebration of Dick Grayson, past and present, and sets up a tremendous future for the first Robin, a character who’s long …
Kids These Days
I’m guessing most of y’all have seen one of those Beloit College lists that go around every year, reminding teachers of what Kids These Days are like. If you were …
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – January 2018
I’ve been a bit derelict in reviewing comics, but it’s a new year and I’m trying to be better, so let’s take a look at trades I bought this month!
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – June 2017
Yes, it’s time for a bunch of reviews. This time around I have a lot of books and CDs, too, so dive right in!
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – February 2017
It’s the end of the month, so let’s see what trade paperbacks, mini-series, and story arcs came out that you might enjoy!