Famous firsts
As I’ve mentioned before, both DC or Marvel were off their game as the Silver Age approached its end. DC’s trying anything and everything to make up for the sales …
As I’ve mentioned before, both DC or Marvel were off their game as the Silver Age approached its end. DC’s trying anything and everything to make up for the sales …
Like a lot of people my age or close to it, I was a big fan of the Grease movie when it came out in 1978. A year or two …
As everyone probably knows, the first JLA/Avengers crossover took place in 1969. As Roy Thomas explains it, “This initial takeoff on 4 members of DC’s Justice League was the result …
Once again I’m looking at women appearing in comics, DC Comics specifically. Some of these stories from 1969 are good, some dreadful, one a major event. First, the good one. …
One of the nice surprises about rereading the Silver Age is when comics series I don’t care for deliver a good issue. Three of the stories I’m looking at here …
Comics scribe Mike Friedrich was writing serious “relevant” stories pretty much from the get-go. As I said when I wrote about Teen Titans #19, it’s a surprise to find him …
In blogging about Gardner Fox’s departure from DC Comics, I meant to talk about Justice League of America #61 as an example of one of Fox’s more convoluted plots, and …