Let’s talk women, shall we?
Once again I’m looking at women appearing in comics, DC Comics specifically. Some of these stories from 1969 are good, some dreadful, one a major event. First, the good one. …
Once again I’m looking at women appearing in comics, DC Comics specifically. Some of these stories from 1969 are good, some dreadful, one a major event. First, the good one. …
Captain Marvel #11-17 read now like a prophecy of DC post-crisis: the solution to boosting sales is a drastic reboot. Followed by another drastic reboot. And then another. Marvel Comics …
Oh, it’s a doozy today!
Here we go, people. Here! We! Go!
(A Christmas post from 2018 I’m reposting) Last year Greg Hatcher discussed why he loves A Christmas Carol despite a general distaste for Christmas because “someone finally convinces a rich …