Tag: Hatcher’s Junk Drawer
Hatcher’s Junk Drawer #21: Waiting Room Thoughts
Sitting in the doctor’s office. Waiting. Sooner or later they want me to come back to the lab area for yet another blood draw. So I’m sitting and playing with my phone. My mind wanders from one thing to another…
Hatcher’s Junk Drawer #20: Crossing Items Off the List
Yet another collection of bits and pieces that in and of themselves aren’t enough to rate a column, but nevertheless are worth a mention. Mostly things I’ve been meaning to get to for years now: New mysteries and old, a couple of oddball movies, and a TV show I’ve procrastinated on for about three decades.
Hatcher’s Junk Drawer #19: I Get Mail
Not ALL the books on the to-read pile are the result of my poor impulse control. Sometimes people just send them to me. Here’s the skinny on a couple of good ones.
Hatcher’s Junk Drawer #18: Comfort Food
Pandemic Lockdown Week Two finds us much the same as last week, only more so. We’ve spent the last seven days pinballing between existential dread and flat-out panic, so we are taking comfort from the orderly world of traditional crime fiction.
Hatcher’s Junk Drawer #17: Love Is In the Air
Or Valentines are, anyway. Here’s a couple of odd ones that crossed my path this week.
Hatcher’s Junk Drawer #16: Lightning Round
This is another installment of the New Year’s resolution series of columns about my attempts to make significant progress reading the books piled on the Shelf of Shame next to …