Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

Flippin’ through ‘Previews’ – February 2021

Let’s do this thing! I’m in blue and Travis is in funereal black. What goodies lurk within Previews #389?!?!?

Look at all those new characters!


The solicits are here!

Geoffrey Thorne is a pretty good writer, and Dexter Soy has gotten better since his eye-bleedingly bad work early on … Captain Marvel, was it?, so Green Lantern #1 might be fun. That “Teen Lantern” on the cover, however, looks like a “Toddler Lantern,” based on her size.

Yeah, her head is almost as proportionally large as that Guardian’s head, and that ain’t right!

What the what?

DC is really trying hard naming things, aren’t they? Batman goes to Europe in the mind-numbingly boringly-named Batman: The Dark Knight from Tom Taylor and Andy Kubert. I will get this in trade, as I like both creators and Batman in Europe against a new villain is always fun, but I hope people can get past the title without falling asleep!

Yeah, that’s such a vague title for a story that should have something indicating Batman’s on the road.  European Knights, people!  It’s right there!

When I heard about The Next Batman, I was befuddled because I’d never heard of Tim Fox before.  Lucius and Luke, sure, but who tf is Tim?  Has he appeared before?  Should I care?

In order: Dunno, dunno, and no.

I’m not sure yet if I’ll get it in singles or in trade, but I will be getting the Batman and Scooby-Doo Mysteries, thank you very much!

I mean, sure, but how long can this last?

Harley Quinn: Black and White and Red publishes digital first stories in a nice size trade.  Lots of good creators here.  I like how there are two stories that weren’t done in digital first, as if it’s a special treat, and not that Adam Hughes and Kevin Altieri are usually quite slow so they missed the deadline.

I didn’t realize Gillen and McKelvie hadn’t done work for DC until I read the solicit for Batman Black and White 5.  That should be a really good trade.

Yeah, I saw that, too. And you’re right – the trade will be keen.

I dig how the cover of Crime Syndicate #2 has “Writer/Penciler/Inker/Colorist” listed in the upper left where the names should be. DC cares not about who’s doing the book, just that there’s product on the shelves!!!!

That’s funny, but it’s not showing the same in DC Connect 9.  Someone must have made sure it got fixed before it went in DC’s own solicit book!

I will be eventually picking up the trade of Batman: The Adventures Continue, the continuing animated style stories, because they are usually quite good.

The trade of the Bendis/Nick Derington Batman stories is out, and I’ve heard these are quite good, so I’ll be picking that up.

Yeah, Batman: Universe does sound good.  I saw at least one of these chapters while flipping through one of the magazines that Walmart was carrying, and it looked good.

Bizarro Comics The Deluxe Edition collects both smaller trades, and I might have to get this, as I only own the first trade (why I didn’t get the second escapes me). Very fun stuff!

I also have the first trade, but I got mine in the last couple years from… somewhere.  I think I know where, but right now, that book is in the other room, and I don’t feel like getting up to look at it.  What I’ve looked at in it was really cool, so I might search the interwebs for a cheap copy of the other one, rather than pony up for this collection.

I don’t remember hearing about this Krypto the Superdog book, but I want it now, because it’s got Krypto, Streaky the Super-Cat, AND Ace the Bat-Hound?  I’m in!


The solicitations are here!

Geoff Johns and Gary Frank have Geiger (page 32), a story about a dude living his best life in a post-nuclear apocalypse world. I’m sure this will look terrific because it’s Gary Frank, but we might only get one issue a year. And it’s Johns, so what’s the over/under on issue number when someone gets decapitated?

Yeah, but at least we won’t get Frank’s disturbing Christopher Reeve as Superman art.  Yeesh, I don’t know what it was, but once Frank started so obviously using Reeve as his reference during his Superman run, it was very off-putting.  No doubt some uncanny valley shit going on there.

Home (page 40) sounds all right – an immigrant boy begins manifesting superpowers, because sure, but the solicit is weird, as it makes it sound like it’s the debut of both the writer and artist. I don’t know about Julio Anta, the writer, but I own comics by Anna Wieszczyk, so I know it’s not her debut!

I think it’s one of those awkward ways of trying to say it’s their Image debut, or that they’re working together for the first time, but I’m not sure why that’s a selling point, since people tend to want to buy known quantities rather than brand new stuff (not always, and not only, but the known sells better than the unknown, which is why Geiger is the cover book and not this).

Well, it seems that Wieszczyk, at least, has a small but hardcore following, so maybe they’re trying to appeal to that group. That group, however, probably doesn’t read Previews.

On page 42 we get Lighthouse, about a supercomputer out in space that is the only thing that can help navigate quickly between star systems and the people who need to defend it against bad guys. It’s by David Hine and Brian Haberlin, and it’s based on a work by Jules Verne? It seems like the original is not set in space, but what the heck, right?

It sounds neat, anyway, and Hine is usually good.

Looks very Jules Verne-y, right?

The Silver Coin on page 44 sounds neat, with Michael Walsh getting some friends (including Kelly Thompson) to write stories in a shared horror universe (which I assume means the haunted silver coin is the bit that ties all these stories together).  It should be a good trade.

I know you didn’t like the sound of Commanders in Crisis, but I thought the meta play with superheroics might be interesting, so I may get the first trade of this on page 53.  Steve Orlando has been a pretty good writer.

Yeah, I saw the trade and noted it, but I’m just not as sold on Orlando as you are. Maybe if they bring out a 12-issue big thing in a year or two I’ll get it.

I guess Decorum was only supposed to be eight issues, and now there’s a fancy hardcover on page 54. Based on the other things Hickman hasn’t gotten around to finishing (hey, remember The Dying and the Dead and The Black Monday Murders?), I suppose we should be happy with this!

If it finishes, of course!  I probably should have gotten the singles on this, but they had weird variant covers that didn’t really seem like variants, so I didn’t know what to order.  I’ll probably get this eventually, though.

Dark Horse:

If you can deal with some pop-ups, the solicits are here!

I’m still a bit bummed that Jill Thompson isn’t drawing Beasts of Burden anymore, but Benjamin Dewey is a very good artist, so I’m looking forward to the latest mini-series on page 74. [Insert obligatory sad Autumnlands reference here.]

Second on your bummage in re both Thompson and Autumnlands.  The world is too cruel to such good comics!

Dave Dwonch and Brockton McKinney are pretty good writers, so Jenny Zero on page 87 might be keen. The daughter of a superhero has to sober up and save the world! Plus, the artist is named “Magenta” of CMYK fame, which is both an awesome name and far too coincidental.

That is true that it’s too coincidental, but Frank Quitely is a pen name, but Toddy Mac named his daughter Cyan, so who knows, maybe it’s not a pen name and it’s an actual name.  (Yes, I know my examples are out of left field!)  This sounds like a fun comic.  Dwonch and McKinney were both at Action Lab, and now it seems they’re branching out, and looking ahead, it looks like Action Lab only has their (ahem) tentpole book Zombie Tramp, so I wonder if those are connected in some way.

She probably should have moved before that thing stepped on her

The Madman Library Edition on page 90 is hella spendy ($99.99, just the way Earl Scheib likes it), and I’m tempted to get it, but I’ve just never loved Allred’s writing. I’m still really tempted!!!!

This is a little over half of the Madman Gargantua book that Image put out (gasp!) nearly 15 years ago.  And at the time, the cover price of that was only 25 bucks more than this.  But this may be a more portable, easier to handle book.  I really dig Madman and Allred, so I’m really interested in this!

Grendel’s back, bitches!!!!! (Page 93)

If you’ve never gotten Bryan Talbot’s comics about a, well, badger detective in a steampunk-ish world, check out page 95 and find Grandville Integral, which collects all five books. These are terrific comics, with fun stories and beautiful art. It’s $70, which is a bit dear, but you get fancy author’s notes!

Alice in Sunderland and The Tale of One Bad Rat are fantastic, and I need to get that Arkwright Integral at some point too (I just saw it in a store recently).  I didn’t realize there were 5 Grandville books, so that’s what’s convenient about books like this.  Also, there’s some sort of Cerebus reference in the first or second one, so for that alone I need to get this!

Page 103 has The Pride Omnibus, a collection of LGBTQ superheroes working together.  It includes work by Sina Grace, who I know you tend to like.


Take a look at the solicits here!

On page 110 is Chibi Usagi: Attack of the Heebie-Chibis, which is a great title, and a fun new version of Stan Sakai’s Usagi Yojimbo.  It’s aimed at the young people, but as I have not matured over the years, I should be the perfect audience!  And is that a chibi Groo on the cover?


>All the solicits are here!

We finally get The Marvels on page 4, Kurt Busiek’s new universe spanning (thank god I didn’t have to capitalize those two words, though) project that sounds awesome.  Not only was it COVID delayed, apparently the whole idea has been something Busiek had in mind since the Heroes Reborn era.  Damn, that’s a long time!

Squadron Supreme: Marvel Tales on page 14 is a fairly cheap way to get the earliest tales of these Justice League knock-offs, and art is by Los Bros Buscema, so that’s cool.

Aren’t these the same Guardians of the Galaxy that they’ve been using for the last decade or so? (Page 18)


So the resolution to that whole “third Summers brother” shit apparently only took two issues, per the fact that X-Men Legends 3 has a new X-Factor story by the Simonsons?  Oy.

On page 77, we get Marvel: August 1961 Omnibus, which reprints every issue Marvel published in that month, which includes, of course, Fantastic Four #1. This is $150, but I’m probably going to get it, because it has Patsy Walker, Kid Colt, Millie the Model, Teen-Age Romance, Rawhide Kid … just some weird-ass shit that Marvel was doing before they struck gold. This has to be a wacky package!

Damn, that’s awesome.  I don’t know if I’ve ever even heard of Kathy, for instance, but what a cool idea!  Someday I will get this!  I thought they were in the distribution deal where essentially DC controlled how many books they put out, but was that AFTER this that they signed that deal?  Damn, Martin Goodman, you were really hurtin’ for cash!

I’m not sure. I thought that was before this, in the late 1950s. But I could be wrong.

Well, I think it went on for a while into the ‘60s, because that’s why the “Tales” books were double features, and once the deal ended, that’s when Cap and Iron Man got their own series.

Of all these books, I bet the one starring the freaks on this cover didn’t last

The original run of What If? is featured on page 80 in an Omnibus, and apparently, the Shang-Chi stuff isn’t okayed to reprint anywhere else.  I’m not finding if What If? 16 was included in the Master of Kung-Fu Omnibi, though.

My omnibuses are on a wide shelf in the back, so I don’t have easy access to them and can’t check for you. Now you’ll never get to sleep!

That’s a pretty cool idea for an omnibus with Loki on page 81, featuring all his early appearances.

Peter David’s first run on X-Factor gets an omnibus on page 83. I started buying this but dropped it for some reason – I assume it was because I didn’t like it that much, but I remember enjoying it, so I’m not sure. I’ll have to see where I dropped it, because I’ll probably get this if I don’t have enough of the issues.

I know I’ve heard plenty of praise for this, and I doubt I have much of this.  I might have the Doc Samson psych session issue, and that might be all I need, really.

Alex Ross’s big Marvel project gets a Treasury Edition on page 90, and I am here for it. It’s 30 bucks, but it’s 6 issues, so it’s not too bad, and it’s looked really wonderful. I don’t know how good the short stories are, but the art is superb!

Oh hell yeah, this is exactly the kind of book that deserves a Treasury Edition.  I’ve been waiting on this one, so I’ll probably be getting this.  I like how in the solicit text, though, they have “but Ross Alex finally brings his original dream …”

That’s weird, because they get it right earlier in the solicit.

Wow, I totally missed that Mike Grell had a run on Iron Man in the early 2000s, but here’s the collection on page 98.

You’re not much of a comics nerd, not knowing that, are you? HOW CAN YOU NOT KNOW ABOUT THE GREAT MIKE GRELL RUN ON IRON MAN?!??!?!?

I did like what I saw of the Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider stuff, and a complete collection is offered on page 98.  I’ll have to get it sometime when it’s cheap.  There were a lot of cool artists on that book.


It looks like these are all the solicits?

Our pal Jim wrote here at the blog about Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow a while back, in two parts, and now finally on page 146 Kevin Conran’s Art of … book is coming out.  Jim has a link to preorder this book in his first column, so if you reread those columns, click on that link to order the book, if it’s the kind of thing you like!

Mars Attacks/Red Sonja shows up in trade on page 154, and as John Layman wrote this, I will get it. Plus, the art does look cool.

Yeah, I’ve been waiting on this too.

Boom! Studios:

The complete solicits are here!

It certainly feels like Once & Future #18 (page 177) is the final issue, which might be because Dan Mora is doing Detective Comics now. If it is, I’m glad it got this long before some richer company saw how good he is!

Onto the back of the book!

I know I’m going to get it even though there’s nothing in it that I don’t already have, but Aardvark-Vanaheim has Swords of Cerebus in Hell? on page 197, collecting the first mini.  Hopefully, the orientation of the pages will be like the recent calendar/preview book, instead of the way they were originally printed, which was a problem I pointed out early on.  I have to read through all these, and also get Cerebus the Duck, the next one shot, obviously homaging Howard.

AfterShock has Phantom on the Scan (page 200) by Cullen Bunn and Mark Torres, about a comet that gave people powers 20 years before and the one dude who became psychic because of it. Now people are dying, so of course there’s a mystery!

Skulls always work!

Travis, of course, likes Steve Orlando more than I do (see above), but Project Patreon on page 202 sounds neat. It’s basically the Death of Superman except Superman is replaced with a Voltron-like robot replica, and who can’t get behind that? So I’ll probably check out the trade.

I think I’ve mentioned before that I met Orlando at a con, and I had read Undertow, which I believe was his first big thing, and in trying to say that I thought it was good, I stumbled around and said something about how I didn’t remember what was going on from issue to issue when I read it in singles, and ended up damning with faint praise.  I haven’t loved everything I’ve read of his, but his Justice League of America run was pretty good overall, and he’s definitely a good writer.  I just feel like I have to make up in print for the bad job of praise I did in real life (which he probably doesn’t even remember!).

The Girls of Dimension 13 (page 204), in which four women live in a creepy building that turns out to be a portal to other dimensions, sounds fun. The weird thing is that it’s written by Graham Nolan and drawn by Bret Blevins. I have no problem with Blevins, but Nolan is a pretty good artist himself, and while several artists have become writers, usually it’s for DC or Marvel where they don’t have to pay the artist. Does AfterShock work the same way? Because why would Nolan pay an artist when he could draw it himself and keep all the coin for himself? There things keep me up at night.

Well, while I don’t think that Aftershock works like Image, where the writers and artists basically cover their own costs in return for having that big ol’ I on the cover (at least I think that’s how most of the series work, but I may be wrong), I don’t think that it’s necessarily that simple.  It might be that they co-created the book, and decided to split the writer/artist duties the way they did.  It could be that Nolan is inking Blevins and they just didn’t mention that (like how Karl Kesel is the writer/inker on Tom Grummett’s pencils for Section Zero).  Or maybe Nolan has issues with deadlines (actually, last I knew, I thought he was drawing the Rex Morgan MD comic strip, but I could be wrong).

Fantagraphics has some interesting stuff. On page 260 they have Scoop Scuttle and His Pals, which is a collection of comics by Basil Wolverton, restored so the line art isn’t so obscured. Wolverton is an interesting artist, and this might be worth a look. On the same page is Beatnik Buenos Aires, a story set in 1963 and drawn by Facundo Percio, who’s excellent. On page 261 they have In Pictopia, Don Simpson’s superhero pastiche. It’s 20 dollars for only 28 pages, but it’s probably pretty keen. I imagine the Alan Moore story set in Simpson’s world isn’t included, because you’d think Moore wouldn’t have a problem with them mentioning it, unless he also has a problem with Fantagraphics (I wouldn’t put it past him). Either way, it’s spendy, but might be keen to check out.

Unless I’m reading it wrong, and unless you know something I don’t, this IS the Alan Moore story.  I’m not sure why they aren’t using his name either (I didn’t think he put a blanket stop on anyone using his name who’s reprinting his old stuff, but I may be wrong), but he’s “the era’s most adventurous mainstream comics writer”, and as far as I know, “In Pictopia” was the name of the story.  Don Simpson didn’t do a bunch of stories set in a place called Pictopia.  I’m not sure what else is in here, though, because the original story is only 13 pages.  I saw it first in Fantagraphics’s Best Comics of the Decade 1980-1990 volume 1, but I own the original version in Anything Goes #2, and apparently in Brighter Than You Think, a collection of Moore short stories.  And I’m still probably going to get this!  I love Don Simpson’s stuff too, though.

I knew the Moore story wouldn’t fit, which is why I was puzzled. I just thought Simpson had done some other stuff in the “universe,” as it seems like when people mention the Moore story, they write that it was set in that universe, which made me believe there was more of it that he didn’t write. Get Jog or Abhay or one of those other Savage Critic dudes on this!

Huh.  I’ve never seen anything of that nature.  Not that I don’t believe you, of course, but I never thought it was a universe.  I can understand, though, because Moore is so good at creating atmosphere and world building in just a few pages, it seems like it’s a whole thing.  Maybe the script is included, or an essay about the Michael Fleisher lawsuit that prompted Anything Goes?  That was a cool series.  Where else would the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles share an issue with R. Crumb?

On page 263, Floating World has Crime Destroyer True Till Death, with art by Shaky Kane, who does cool stuff.

That might be neat.

I will probably have to get Sirens of the North Sea from Humanoids on page 276. Vikings versus Sirens? Hells yeah!

When in doubt, put hot redheads carrying pointy things on your cover!

That does look neat.  A few pages back on 272 from the same company is MPLS Sound, a trade about the early ‘80s Minneapolis music scene, and a group trying to get discovered by Prince.  Hannibal Tabu, who used to (and maybe still does?) write The Buy Pile back at CBR is a co-writer.  He had idiosyncratic tastes, which made his columns interesting to read.

For some reason, I don’t like Tabu. I’ve never met him, but I seem to recall not liking him. I wish I knew why, because I may have to stop not liking him!

He did come across as … prickly, maybe?  I never disliked him but I can see where some people wouldn’t.  I’m surprised about you, though, cuz you like everybody, and (nearly) everybody likes you.  Unless it’s that one dude.  Or that other dude.  Or dudes that were Marvel editors (and they didn’t like me either!).

Yeah, a lot of people don’t like me. I have a caustic sense of humor that I don’t always rein in and it rubs people the wrong way. Fuck them, though, right?

On page 277, It’s Alive brings back Strange Attractors, a ‘90s indie comic that I was made aware of via Cerebus.  I’m not sure enough how to describe it, because I never read more than some preview pages, but I was always intrigued.  I’m also digging the guest artists on some covers, because Wandering Star by variant cover artist Teri S. Wood was a really great indie comic from the ‘90s.  I just hope that with all the money problems they’ve been having, It’s Alive continues long enough to reprint this whole story, or, failing that, someone else picks it up and reprints the whole magilla so that I can finally read it.  Also, someone needs to reprint Very Vicky next!

Legendary Comics, of all places, shows up on page 281 with Championess, a book about a female bare-knuckle boxed in the 1700s. For Legendary, this is a very odd comic to publish, but it sounds kind of keen. They don’t list creators, though, so what’s up with that?

There’s probably some movie coming out with this premise that Legendary is involved with, I said at first, but actually, there’s going to be a TV show based on this yet to be released GN.  According to Legendary’s site, the writers are Kelly Zekas and Tarun Shanker, and the artist is Amanda Perez.  The writers did something called These Vicious Masks.  They’re taking quite a gamble that people will like this.

I assumed that, as Legendary is involved, that they were doing some movie or show based on this, as that’s kind of their m.o. I’m just surprised at the subject matter.

From the story I read, though, it was apparently going to be a GN from Legendary before the TV deal happened.  Not to say they weren’t trying for it, though.

She looks a little too cheery about beating people to a pulp

On page 281 is Lev Gleason Comics, the new umbrella name for Chapterhouse Comics as well as other imprints.  Lev Gleason Presents 1 has a new version of the Golden Age character Silver Streak alongside a classic reprint, as well as Captain Canuck and Freelance in one big book.  With this and DC’s attempts at anthology/books with backup stories, maybe this is the new format of the future?  The Lev Gleason Library has Death Takes Center Stage, a novel of the Golden Age Daredevil.  I’m not sure if the character works without the visual, though.  What else is there?

Mad Cave offers the trade of Villainous, which I thought sounded pretty nifty. A teenager with powers tries to figure out how to be a hero, but dark things keep interfering. I hate when that happens.

Also from them on page 283 is Stargazer in trade, about a group of friends who went through something that may have been alien abduction 20 years ago, and one of them disappears now and the others must reunite.  It sounded neat.

Any Alison Bechdel book is cause for celebration, so I’ll be getting The Secret to Superhuman Strength on page 286 from Mariner Books. Bechdel is an excellent storyteller, and this book, about her obsession with fitness crazes, sounds fun.

Has Moonstone gotten the license for Green Hornet from Dynamite?  On page 287 is the Moonstone Double Shot Green Hornet book, which sounds fun, but I didn’t realize until now that I don’t think Dynamite has had a new Green Hornet book this year.

I think they publish the prose books? Dynamite does have a Green Hornet book out, but the pandemic might have delayed it. I can’t remember what it’s called, but it was in Previews not too long ago.

That could be it, that Moonstone does the prose.

On page 299 is The Syndicate of Crime from Rebellion/2000AD, a collection of comics of The Spider (from the UK version) co-written by Jerry Siegel.  And The Vigilant collects the recent specials with new versions of old-timey UK heroes.

On page 301, Scout has Concrete Jungle, a science-fiction police tale set in an alternate reality Miami of 1986. It sounds pretty keen, and Karl Mostert’s a pretty good artist, so I’ll give it a look.

Looks like a fun town

SelfMadeHero has a couple of interesting-sounding historical books on page 304. Buñuel in the Labyrinth of Turtles is about the famous filmmaker at a career crossroads, while Frink and Freud is about the meeting of Freud with a dude who was really into his theories and how it didn’t go well for all concerned. Both sound keen.

They do sound interesting.

On page 305 Source Point Press has a couple interesting ones.  Cold Dead Hands is a trade of a mini about a dude that finds a robotic weapon hand.  Get in the Game is a one shot with a bunch of creators doing comics about video games, so that might be interesting.

Vault has a couple of good trades on page 328 and 329, with Shadow Service, about a PI witch also involved in spy stuff, and Heavy, where dudes in limbo have to earn their way out with big guns.  They both sound pretty cool.

I’m not sure what the Wake Entertainment book Ascencia on page 330 is about, but the cover of issue 4 has a cool mysterious vibe to it, like some of Alex Ross’s stranger stuff.

Tony Parker draws it, and Parker is a very nice dude (as well as a terrific artist), so I’ll be getting the trade of it when it shows up.

Zenescope has, on page 334, Man-Goat and Bunny-Man, about two cryptozoological creatures who protect people but just want to be left alone.  I usually don’t look at Zenescope closely but this title caught my eye.

Well, it’s Zenescope, so it will probably be hot garbage, but at least it’s something a little different from them!

They look … delicious!

Vertical has a neat sounding one on page 343, A School Frozen in Time, where students find themselves frozen in school, where a student killed themself but none of the other frozen students can remember who the student was, which probably is why they are stuck!

I don’t know where you’re getting that description from, but ok!

I tried to summarize it without quoting all of it and it probably didn’t quite work.

Yen Press has one on page 366 that I can relate to: I’m the Cat Lord’s Manservant.

Ahem. It’s “Catlords’ Manservant,” because of course there are many cats, not just one!

In this house, only one cat matters!

Hey, everyone, thanks for reading. Enjoy checking out everything you could possibly want from comics this month!


  1. tomfitz1

    Not-so-distinguished gentlemen: What can I say? What could I possibly say?!?

    You had me at “Grendel’s back …”

    I might have a look at Geiger, though ….

  2. Jeff Nettleton

    Well, about the only thing that really interests me is the Sky Captain art book, 15 years in the making. This was supposed to coincide with the movie. then again, the movie was “supposed” to be a hit. I enjoy it for what it is; but it’s got a weak story and bland leads. the supporting characters rock the house and Angelina Jolie and Giovanni Ribisi get the tone the thing should have had. Regardless, I loved the conceptual designs of the whole thing and saw some of Conran’s conceptual art in a couple (of the very few) magazine articles about the film. He really got that pulp adventure/scifi (or Dieselpunk for those who don’t understand that it isn’t retro if it is the same type of storytelling they did in the pulps) aesthetic, with the clunky steel contraptions, vacuum tube technology and 1930s futurist look.

  3. Bright-Raven

    Only DC I will get is Far Sector #11 (The GL book doesn’t really work for me, but I will take a look at it when it comes in. Don’t care for Dexter Soy’s art style. Sidenotes: “Teen Lantern” is actually only eleven years old. Would have preferred Andie Tong as the artist on this – then maybe I’d have pre-ordered. But at least Thorne is the one writing Jo Mullein. Pretty sure Jemisin’s okay with this, so at least there’s that.)


    Pre-ordered LIGHTHOUSE. The other new stuff didn’t interest me whatsoever.

    Dark Horse:

    BEASTS OF BURDEN… Where did you hear that Jill Thompson isn’t on the book anymore? I mean, she might have taken a break, but I never heard / read anything saying she was leaving for good?

    I believe I cited, ORPHAN & THE FIVE BEASTS by James Stokoe, RESIDENT ALIEN: YOUR RIDE’S HERE, a couple of other things of note on my podcast as well.


    I skipped Chibi-Usagi because two books of Usagi a month is enough for me, plus not a fan of the Chibi style of art. The other Usagi stuff, I’ll of course be getting.

    CANTO & THE CITY OF GIANTS and CHAINED TO THE GRAVE also made my list.

    BOOM: I might look at MANY DEATHS OF LAILA STARR when it arrives, but didn’t preorder.

    Might get AN UNKINDNESS OF RAVENS in TPB, might not.


    MARVEL: Doesn’t exist.


    GIRLS OF DIMENSION 13 by Graham Nolan and Bret Blevins interests me, will check it out when it hits the stores.

    BEQUEST is another I’ll be trying.

    FIRST SECOND (page 262):

    The ASTRONAUT ACADEMY books by Dave Roman – I have them in B&W, these are in color. Highly recommend them – quality all ages material.

    IT’S ALIVE (page 277):

    HOLLER #3 – Great little teenage angst rock n roll band comic. Had the creator Jeremy Massie on my podcast a while back to promote the series when it was being crowdfunded.

    STRANGE ATTACTORS #1 – Re-presenting a classic indie from the 90s. I have the original run with the “Retro Variant” cover from when it was originally published, buying a Teri Wood / Resa Challender cover.

    MAD CAVE STUDIOS (p. 283):

    STARGAZER TPB and VILLAINOUS TPB – I got these in singles, can recommend them.

    THEY FELL FROM THE SKY #1 – Just read #1, it’s kind of a remix of E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. Might be of interest to some of you, might not.

    PAPERCUTS (page296-97):

    If you haven’t tried Jeremy Whitley’s SCHOOL FOR EXTRATERRESTRIAL GIRLS, you might want to check it out.

    SCOUT COMICS (page 301):

    GALACTIC RODENTS OF MAYHEM #1 – Saw the crowdfunding campaign, lost track of it and didn’t back it, so getting it from Scout.

    STAKE #2 – Just reviewed STAKE #1 a week or two back. It’s maybe got potential. We’ll see.

    There might have been some other stuff I also mentioned during my podcast when I reviewed PREVIEWS a couple weeks ago.

  4. John King

    The Spider was a childhood favourite of mine (from the 70s reprints) – I still remember (from when I was about 7) reading of the Android Emperor sending a robot gorilla with circular saws instead of hands to attack the Spider in his hammock…

    I think it was Cerebus which drew my attention to Strange Attractors

    One thing noticeable these days is just how badly mermaids and sirens have become mixed up. In the myths mermaids were fish-women who swam around ships while sirens were bird-women who sat on rocks singing to sailors to lure them to their doom. The common link is both are female and encountered by sailors (presumably because they spent so much time at sea away from real women). Of course, as both are mythical, it makes no sense to argue about what a “real” siren is…

    and Grandville is the best anthromorphic, alternative-history, steam-punk, detective adventure series ever…

  5. Oh man, I’m really tempted by that 1961 omnibus, despite the fact that I haven’t cracked the many omnibi that I’ve already bought because they’re so damn unwieldy and wind up reselling them instead. But what a great idea!

    I’m looking forward to that Scooby-Doo/Batman comic, if only to partially fill the gaping void in my heart left by the discontinuation of Scooby-Doo Team-Up, truly the greatest of series.

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