Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

House to Astonish Episode 152

House to Astonish comics podcast - Atomic Junk Shop

We’re back with another regular episode of the House to Astonish podcast, with tons of of comics news from the past couple of weeks. We’re talking about the New York Times dropping its comics bestseller charts, the lack of an Image Expo in 2017, December’s sales estimates, the retirement of Bernie Wrightson, the relaunching of Rocket Raccoon, Valiant’s upcoming Secret Weapons miniseries and the casting of Marvel’s Cloak & Dagger and Runaways TV series. We’ve also got reviews of Bullseye and The Spirit: The Corpse Makers, and the Official Handbook of the Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe is a poor workman. All this plus the re-dubbed American House to Astonish, Scott Lobdell killing and eating a homeless person and a potter in a Jacobean tragedy.

The podcast is here, or on Mixcloud, or available via the embedded player below. Let us know what you think, either in the comments below, via Twitter, by email or on our Facebook fan page. And hey, it’s February, the month of love – and you know what else we love? How good the t-shirts from our Redbubble store look on you!

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