I looked at DC in September of ’66; now here’s Marvel
Back at the start of April I took a look at some of DC’s books from September of ’66. I wanted to follow up immediately with a Marvel-centered post but …
Back at the start of April I took a look at some of DC’s books from September of ’66. I wanted to follow up immediately with a Marvel-centered post but …
I’ve been rereading my old X-Men — that is, the Len Wein/Dave Cockrum-created New X-Men — for a while now and recently reached X-Men #183. I remembered disliking it and …
Over on his blog, former Marvel editor Tom Brevoort recently asked a question: how long will you stick with a book you like after it’s gone bad? My initial answer, …
Groundbreaking stories or concepts often have a short shelf life. Frequently they’re upstaged by someone who does the same thing better. Sherlock Holmes wasn’t the first private detective nor Tarzan …
Following the lead of another Atomic Junk Shop regular who wrote about some itches that took years to be scratched, I take a look at a few comics stories that left itches I only managed to scratch decades after the fact
Yes, I know it’s April, but lots of comics came out in March, so let’s check some of them out!
We’ve reached the end of an era, so let’s see how it all shakes out!