Here’s a photo of yours truly and Greg Hatcher, taken by his most excellent wife Julie, 8 years ago today:
This was at Emerald City Comicon, the best comics convention, back when Greg took his students and tabled there. Remember congregating with other people? Remember when I had a beard? Excellent times all around!
“Remember congregating with other people?”
“Remember when I had a beard?”
Ah, yeah. The things we do to conform to society’s expectations. Trim our shaggy hair. Shave off our beards. File down our horns…
Ah the beard, I remember the beard.
I did not want to remember the beard
The beard was mighty and beautiful! But it itched, so it had to go!
I remember Your series of beard-growing photos from a couple years ago: reminded me of Bigby Wolf from Fables.
Ha! I’ll take it! 🙂
That was really a fun show that year. Our lives have changed a lot since the virus but having it blow a giant hole through the afterschool program probably hurts the worst.