Three early Silver Age covers, three related mini-posts
First cover, by Curt Swan, for Superman #146. It’s a full-length retelling of Superman’s origin from1961, but it feels about 20 years ahead of its time. “The Story of Superman’s Life” …
First cover, by Curt Swan, for Superman #146. It’s a full-length retelling of Superman’s origin from1961, but it feels about 20 years ahead of its time. “The Story of Superman’s Life” …
(Another rewritten post from my own blog, from 2014). If not for Doc Savage, I might never have started reading Marvel in the Bronze Age. I’d read Marvel occasionally in …
One of the fun parts of rereading the Silver Age month by month is discovering stuff that never registered when I reread old issues or random reprints from the era. …
When I was in my teens I read an old copy of Avengers #60 and I thought it was fantastic. Rereading “Till Death Do Us Part” by John Buscema …
When Gorilla City is haunted by a ghost, and Flash’s speed isn’t enough to help …When hard-traveling heroes Green Arrow and Green Lantern arrive in groovy Karma Corners during a …
Today’s topic of Pointless Fanboy Speculation: How I want to see the X-Men introduced into the MCU…. I really don’t want a rehash of anything Fox did. So, if that’s what I wouldn’t do, what would I do with the MCU X-Men?