Celebrating the Unpopular Arts
I imagine DCU cops react like this a lot

I imagine DCU cops react like this a lot

The lead feature in Detective Comics #253 is “The Fox, the Shark and the Vulture” by Dave Wood and Sheldon Moldoff. It’s a forgettable story in which three gimmick villains — specializing in land, sea, and air-based tech respectively — prove no more interesting than if they were going solo. Though name-only variation of this Z-list team have cropped up on TV in B:TAS, Beware the Batman and Batman: The Brave and the Bold, proving again that you never know how much potential characters have.Even so, when I read the story recently in the first Batman: The Silver Age Omnibus I was struck by one panel, posted below:It’s the deadpan message reporting a “criminal wearing vulture-like disguise” as if this were a matter-of-fact occurrence — which in the DCU I imagine is true. After a couple of years on the job in Gotham City, a dude in a “vulture-like disguise” would be as unremarkable as a DUI.

It doesn’t make the story good, but it is an amusing moment.



  1. Le Messor

    One of the times when they remember what their universe is actually like! So many times you get ‘there’s no such thing as –‘ in a world where ‘–‘ is pretty much a daily occurrence.

      1. Le Messor

        I remember that line, and rolling my eyes at it.
        Though I also always remember the counterpoint, from the Justice League animated:

        Let’s see, after I caught the gorilla, he told me that…
        Green Lantern:
        He talked to you?
        Yeah, right after I stopped his car.
        Green Lantern:
        I’m supposed to believe this?
        Hey, we’ve both got a Martian’s phone number on our speed dial. I think I deserve the benefit of the doubt here.

        1. There’s a scene in Astro City where new superhero Quarrel is wondering why everyone recognizes her: “I found out when I fell back in time six years, stayed in 1976 for a couple of months and left after I founded the Omega Rangers,” Quite unremarkable, that’s what life in Astro City is like.

          1. Le Messor

            Spectacular Spider-Man #20:
            Traffic cop: “C’mon, Mac — move along! Watcha Starin’ at!”
            Random driver, points at Spider-Man: “A-A-At him, officer!”
            Traffic cop: “Out-of-towners huh? Well — you get used to seeing this kind of thing after awhile!”

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