Tag: Udon Entertainment
Flippin’ Through ‘Previews’ – October 2019
Travis thinks he’s cool because he keeps starting these recently. Let’s let him keep believing that!
Flippin’ through ‘Previews’ – December 2018
We’re a bit late this month, but let’s get into the Previews catalog the way you like it!
What I bought, read, or otherwise consumed – March 2018
This is a few days late, but I hope you’ll join me on a tour through some trades I read, some arcs I finished, and some prose books I found time to get through. So much fun!
Flippin’ through ‘Previews’ – September 2017
Yes, the latest Previews is out, and that means it’s time to check out any groovy new comics you might want to spend your hard-earned money on!