Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

Zagreb’s most excellent geek-friendly weekend

Every year, on the second weekend in May, Croatia’s capital city Zagreb becomes a sort of haven for geeks of all stripes, because that’s when the annual SF convention, better known as Sferakon, and the annual comic convention, now called the Zagreb Comic Con, are held.

A Message From Mark Waid

Over the past couple of weeks, a disappointingly large number of younger creators have been reaching out to me about harassment from angry fringe “fans.” With that in mind, the best and most worthwhile moments of the convention came from walking the floor, talking and listening, helping raise awareness of how bad harassment has become—awareness both among fans and among my generation of pros.

East Coast Comicon 2017 Report

The East Coast Comicon has become my favorite con to attend. It’s large enough to have big name guests, but not so large that its impossible to move around in. It’s got everything you’d expect a modern day con to have — celebrities, panels, autograph lines, cool vehicles, back issue dealers, costume contests — but unlike most other cons, the emphasis remains on comic books.