Celebrating the Unpopular Arts

Who Are You Calling a Boomer?

There’s been this trend of late, blaming this generation or that for all the world’s problems — “Boomers destroyed the economy!””Millennials are killing [everything]!” “Gen Xers all want participation trophies!” — and that’s not what this post is about. What it is about is recognizing and appreciating the influences and factors that contribute to some of the trends and attitudes associated with certain generations, and pointing out why some of those generational groupings may be too broad and/or inaccurate.

We Were Warned: What the Movie Villains Should Have Taught Us

This thought occurred to me as I was driving home the other night. I was listening to the soundtrack to Disney’s Beauty and the Beast, it was at the part where the mob sings: “We don’t like what we don’t understand, in fact it scares us…” I thought “huh, Trump voters.” And then it hit me… Donald Trump is a Disney Villain.