I became fully vaccinated roughly two weeks ago. It’s been surprisingly overwhelming. Good, but overwhelming.
The first few days of freedom, I got my haircut (I no longer feel the urge to kill anyone with the jawbone of an ass) and hit the grocery store (as mentioned in my last post). Then we had the housekeeping company come in for the first time in a year. They do an amazing job but they are not compatible with concentration. Neither was the plumber who was supposed to show up at 9 AM … which became 2 PM … After I called his office, they reached him; he called me and asked why I was calling because nobody had told him anything about doing work for us. Suffice to say, won’t be using them again. We did get the problem fixed via another plumber, who was expensive but hey, he showed up.
The Friday after vaccination, a friend of TYG’s came to town and stayed with us until Tuesday (TYG had not anticipated this when she made the invitation). This would have been fine except I had work leftover from the week that had to be finished and it slowed down to a crawl with someone else around. Ditto work Monday and Tuesday morning. So last week was quite a slog. On the plus side, I had my first checkup in a year, and I’m in better shape than May of 2020.
Then this weekend I had my first social event in more than a year, a party at a writer friend’s house. It felt so damn good to see people not on a screen.
All of that explains why I didn’t get around to completing any of the posts I’d considered writing today and whipped this one up at the last minute. I had paying writing gigs to finish, which are less fun but you know, paying. I haven’t even given blood yet and that was a top priority once I got vaccinated (bugger that plumber. I could have done it Wednesday if I’d known he wasn’t coming).
But getting back to something resembling normal still feels wonderful.
As we took the dogs to the groomer last Monday for the first time in a year, so here are shots of Trixie, before and after.
And here’s a look at me before and after the human groomer.
Welcome back to the world. That’s all I wanted to say, but the damn site insists I be “more expressive.”
It’s good to be back, thanks. And yes, I frequently find my comments too short, even on my own posts.
When I got past my two weeks after my second vaccine shot I decided it was time to go out and do . . . something. In the end I chose to go to a wrestling show put on by a local all women’s pro wrestling promotion. It was held outside on an arcade’s covered, but all open sided, patio. It was by no means a large event, but it was still a bit surreal to be out amongst people at a live event after well over a year.
It is a little freaky. Not as panic-inducing as when I had to make grocery store runs early in the pandemic. Those trips will be my reference if I ever have to write someone worried their killer might be standing next to them.