Here’s a list of the Comics You Should Own I’ve done so far. More are always coming, and I welcome any suggestions you might have!
The Absence by Martin Stiff.
Across the Universe: The DC Stories of Alan Moore by Alan Moore and many artists.
Action Philosophers! by Fred van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey.
Adrastea by Mathieu Bablet.
Alias by Brian Michael Bendis, and Michael Gaydos.
Amazing Spider-Man #229-230 by Roger Stern and John Romita Jr.
Amazing Spider-Man #238-251 by Roger Stern and John Romita Jr.
Animal Man #1-32 by Grant Morrison, Peter Milligan, and Chas Truog.
Aquaman #0-25 by Peter David, Martin Egeland, and Jim Calafiore.
Arrowsmith by Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco.
Atlantis Chronicles by Peter David and Esteban Maroto.
The Authority #22-29 by Mark Millar, Tom Peyer, and Dustin Nguyen.
Automatic Kafka by Joe Casey and Ashley Wood.
Avengers Annual #10 by Chris Claremont and Michael Golden.
Avengers Forever by Kurt Busiek and Carlos Pacheco.
Aztek, the Ultimate Man by Grant Morrison, Mark Millar, and N. Steven Harris.
Batman #452-454 by Peter Milligan and Kieron Dwyer.
Batman #515-552 by Doug Moench and Kelley Jones.
Big Numbers by Alan Moore and Bill Sienkiewicz.
Camelot 3000 by Mike W. Barr and Brian Bolland.
Challengers of the Unknown by Jeph Loeb and Tim Sale.
ClanDestine by Alan Davis.
The Crow by James O’Barr.
Daredevil #283-300 by Ann Nocenti, D.G. Chichester, and Lee Weeks.
Daredevil #26-50; 56-81 by Brian Michael Bendis and Alex Maleev.
Defenders #46-50 by Roger Slifer, David Kraft, David Warner and Keith Giffen.
Detective Comics #471-476 by Steve Englehart, Marshall Rogers, and Terry Austin.
Detective Comics #569-574 by Mike W. Barr, Alan Davis, and Paul Neary.
Detective Comics #583-594; 601-614 by Alan Grant and Norm Breyfogle.
Detective Comics #629-633; 638; 643 by Peter Milligan and Jim Aparo.
Detective Comics #801-808; 811-814 by David Lapham, Ramon Bachs, and Nathan Massengill.
Dr. Fate #1-4; 1-24 by J. M. DeMatteis and Shawn McManus.
Doom Patrol #19-63 by Grant Morrison and Richard Case.
Dreadstar #1-40 by Jim Starlin.
Dreadstar #41-64 by Peter David and Angel Medina.
Elektra: Assassin by Frank Miller and Bill Sienkiewicz.
Elementals #1-5 by Bill Willingham.
Enigma by Peter Milligan and Duncan Fregedo.
The Extremist by Peter Milligan and Ted McKeever.
Fantastic Four #347-349 by Walter Simonson and Arthur Adams.
Firestorm #58-100 by John Ostrander, Joe Brozowski, and Tom Mandrake.
Flex Mentallo by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.
Four Women by Sam Kieth.
From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell.
Fury by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson.
Grendel #1-12 by Matt Wagner and Arnold and Jacob Pander.
Grendel #13-23 by Matt Wagner, Bernie Mireault, Hannibal King, and Tim Sale.
Grendel #24-33 by Matt Wagner, John K. Snyder, and Jay Geldhof.
Grendel #34-50 by Matt Wagner, Tim Sale, and Pat McEown.
Hard Boiled by Frank Miller and Geof Darrow.
Hard Time by Steve Gerber, Mary Skrenes, and Brian Hurtt.
The Heckler by Keith Giffen and Tom and Mary Bierbaum.
Hellblazer #27 by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean.
Hellblazer #41-50; 52-83 by Garth Ennis, Will Simpson, and Steve Dillon.
Hellstrom #12-21 and Druid #1-4 by Warren Ellis and Leonardo Manco.
High Roads by Scott Lobdell and Leinil Francis Yu.
Hitman by Garth Ennis and John McCrea.
The Incredible Hulk #331-346 by Peter David and Todd McFarlane.
The Incredible Hulk #347-367 by Peter David and Jeff Purves.
The Incredible Hulk #368-401 by Peter David and Dale Keown.
The Incredible Hulk #402-426 by Peter David and Gary Frank.
The Incredible Hulk #454-467 by Peter David and Adam Kubert.
Human Target by Peter Milligan, Edvin Biukovic, Javier Pulido, and Cliff Chiang.
I Kill Giants by Joe Kelly and JM Ken Niimura.
The Intimates by Joe Casey and Giuseppe Camuncoli.
Immortal Iron Fist #1-16 by Matt Fraction, Ed Brubaker, and David Aja.
Justice League #1-45 by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Kevin Maguire, and Adam Hughes.
Justice League Europe #1-28 by Keith Giffen, J.M. DeMatteis, Gerard Jones, and Bart Sears.
JLA #1-41 by Grant Morrison and Howard Porter.
Legends of the Dark Knight #28-30 by Matt Wagner.
Legends of the Dark Knight #86-88 by Doug Moench and J.H. Williams III.
Local by Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly.
Major Bummer by John Arcudi and Doug Mahnke.
The Maze Agency by Mike W. Barr and Adam Hughes,
The Middleman by Javier Grillo-Marxuach and Les McClaine.
The Monarchy by Doselle Young and John McCrea.
Moon Knight volume 1 by Doug Moench and Bill Sienkiewicz.
Moon Knight volume 6 by Charlie Huston, Mike Benson, David Finch, Mark Texeira, and Jefte Palo.
Namor, The Sub-Mariner #1-25 by John Byrne.
DC: The New Frontier by Darwyn Cooke.
The New Mutants #18-31 by Chris Claremont and Bill Sienkiewicz.
Nextwave: Agents of H.A.T.E. by Warren Ellis and Stuart Immonen.
The Nightly News by Jonathan Hickman.
1963 by Alan Moore, Rick Veitch, Stephen Bissette, and Jim Valentino.
Noble Causes by Jay Faerber, Fran Bueno, and Yildiray Cinar.
Northlanders #1-8, 20 by Brian Wood and Davide Gianfelice.
Northlanders #11-16 by Brian Wood and Ryan Kelly.
Northlanders #21-28 by Brian Wood and Leandro Fernandez.
Orion by Walter Simonson.
Pax Romana by Jonathan Hickman.
Phonogram by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie.
Planetary by Warren Ellis and John Cassaday.
The Question: Devil’s in the Details by Rick Veitch and Tommy Lee Edwards.
Rex Libris by James Turner.
Rex Mundi by Arvid Nelson, EricJ, and Juan Ferreyra.
Robotika by Alex Sheikman.
Sandman by Neil Gaiman.
Sandman Mystery Theatre by Matt Wagner, Steven T. Seagle, and Guy Davis.
Scalped by Jason Aaron and R.M. Guéra.
Secret Six by Gail Simone, Nicola Scott, and Jim Calafiore.
Seven Soldiers of Victory by Grant Morrison et al.
Shade, the Changing Man by Peter Milligan and Chris Bachalo.
Shark-Man by Steve Pugh.
She-Hulk by Dan Slott, Juan Bobillo, and Rick Burchett.
Silverblade by Cary Bates and Gene Colan.
Small Gods by Jason Rand and Juan Ferreyra.
The Spectre by John Ostrander and Tom Mandrake.
Spider-Man/Human Torch by Dan Slott and Ty Templeton.
Stalkers by Jan Strnad, Mark Verheiden, Mark Texeira, and Val Mayerik.
Starman by James Robinson, Tony Harris, and Peter Snejbjerg.
StormWatch #37-50; #1-11 by Warren Ellis, Tom Raney, Oscar Jimenez, and Bryan Hitch.
Suicide Squad by John Ostrander, Luke McDonnell, and Geof Isherwood.
All Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely.
Swamp Thing #20-64 by Alan Moore, Stephen Bissette, Rick Veitch, and Jon Totleben.
Swamp Thing #140-171 by Mark Millar and Phil Hester.
Terminal City by Dean Motter and Michael Lark.
The Mighty Thor #337-355, 357-369 by Walter Simonson and Sal Buscema.
300 by Frank Miller and Lynn Varley.
Thunderbolts #144-183 by Jeff Parker, Kev Walker, and Declan Shalvey.
Top 10 by Alan Moore, Gene Ha, and Zander Cannon.
Trillium by Jeff Lemire.
The Ultimates (volume 1) by Mark Millar and Bryan Hitch.
The Umbrella Academy by Gerard Way and Gabriel Bá.
Uncanny X-Men #96-143 by Chris Claremont, John Byrne, and Dave Cockrum.
Uncanny X-Men #167-175 and Wolverine #1-4 by Chris Claremont, Paul Smith, and Frank Miller.
Uncanny X-Men #182-200 by Chris Claremont and John Romita, Jr.
Uncanny X-Men #201-227 by Chris Claremont and Marc Silvestri.
Uncanny X-Men #228-280 by Chris Claremont, Marc Silvestri, and Jim Lee.
Unknown Soldier by Joshua Dysart and Alberto Ponticelli.
Wacky Raceland by Ken Pontac and Leonardo Manco.
Wasteland by Antony Johnston, Christopher Mitten, and Justin Greenwood.
Westward by Ken Krekeler.
Whiteout by Greg Rucka and Steve Lieber.
The Wicked + The Divine by Kieron Gillen, Jamie McKelvie, and Matthew Wilson.
Wildcats volume 2 and Wildcats 3.0 by Joe Casey, Scott Lobdell, Sean Phillips, and Dustin Nguyen.
The Wild Storm by Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt.
The Winter Men by Brett Lewis and John Paul Leon.
Witch Doctor by Brandon Seifert and Lukas Ketner.
Wonder Woman #1-62 by George Pérez, Chris Marrinan, and Jill Thompson.
World’s Finest by Dave Gibbons and Steve Rude.
X-Factor (volume 2) by Jeff Jensen and Arthur Ranson.
X-Force/X-Statix by Peter Milligan and Mike Allred.
X-Men #114-154 by Grant Morrison, Frank Quitely, et al.
X-Men Unlimited #1-3, 5, 7-11, 14-18, 31-33, 35, 37-38, 40, 43 by various creators.
Young Avengers #1-15 by Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie.
Young Heroes in Love by Dan Raspler, Dev Madan, et al.
Zot! #11-36 by Scott McCloud.
Ummmm, Mr. Burgas, correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t you have a lot more than you’ve just listed? Or are you just listing the one that you’ve posted on AJS?
Tom: Yeah, I’m just listing the ones I’ve done for this blog. Eventually, I’ll get around to reposting the old ones, but that’s very time-consuming, so I haven’t done it yet. I don’t even know where the old archive is, so I didn’t even bother. But I’ll repost them at some point!
Hi Greg, I checked and it seems there are only 6 articles from CBR missing from this archive, and then a complete “set” would be here: 300, All Star Superman, Stormwatch, Suicide Squad, Swamp Thing Moore & ST Millar. Any chance of uploading them sometime? Thanks-
I should be done with them in August, I think. I’m taking a bit of a break in June to catch up on graphic novel reviews, and then I’ll start reposting again. So it will be soon!